Chapter 20

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The next few days I have never felt more happier than I did before. Alex and I are back to talking and we occasionally have our moments that don't go unnoticed by the twins. Emily constantly asks me if there's anything going on to which I respond with an eye roll and tell her that we're not together as he has a lot to make up for. Of course, she basically praises me for that. Sometimes I do wish he would make a move and ask me out, but I understand he respects my decision on taking it slow after everything he did to me. I have forgiven him, but it doesn't hurt to make him work for it.

However, as the weekend rolls around I had promised my mom I would drop off a package for her at the mailbox to send to my aunt for her birthday, so that was what I was doing.

As I walk down the street back home, I silently grumble to myself as I curse my laziness for putting it off to the last minute as it's dark out. Being out this late as always creeped me out, you never know what is lurking around every corner.

What if someone kidnaps me? What if they want to rape me or sell my body as a slave?

Okay I've got to calm down. Shaking my head, I immediately get rid of those stupid thoughts before I start feeling uneasy. I feel as if I'm being followed. Picking up my pace I see the street name where my house is at silently praying, I can make it. However, before I get too much further, a hand suddenly slithers around my mouth preventing me from screaming as I'm pulled into the alley next to the street before being roughly shoved into the wall.

Struggling, my eyes widen in fear as I hear a deep chuckle from above me. Dayton.

Seeing his disgusting face form a smirk, I struggle even harder to be set free. "Sam, Sam, Sam. Hasn't anyone told you? Walking alone in the dark is dangerous for a pretty girl such as yourself." He says in my ear making me shrink back into the wall as I struggle harder. Biting his hand, he lets go with a yell as I catch my breath. "What do you want with me?" I ask in a shaky voice as I try to get away only to freeze as his hand grips my face roughly as his other hand trails across my arms making my skin crawl with disgust.

Leaning toward me he sniffs my hair before whispering. "You." Feeling more scared than before I kick him away from me before running back towards the street only now realizing how far deep into the alley he dragged me. I don't make it far before he grabs me and spins me around roughly before he backhands me sending me flying to the ground. Grasping my cheek with my hands, I sit up slightly as my eyes begin to water. He kneels down to my height before grabbing my arms and forcing me to my feet as he gets nose to nose with me. Shaking in fear I notice the crazed and dangerous looks in his eyes that he probably think is endearing.

"I love you Sam, and what do you do to repay me? YOU CHEAT ON ME WITH THAT FUCKER ALEX!" He screams in my face getting spit on my face as he rants angrily. By this point I have become a shaking and sobbing mess as I start to actually fear for my life. Before I know it he throws me against the wall before he does something I didn't expect. He starts to kiss my neck. Crying loudly I try to push him off. "N-NO! STOP! SOMEBODY PLEASE HE-"

My pleas are cut off as he roughly shoved his hand back over my mouth resorting me to nothing but muffled screams as he continues assaulting my neck. As he starts biting my skin thinking it's arousing, but actually stings, I found the strength within myself to finally push him off me again as I slap him. His head flies to the side before he slowly turns back to me before his fist connects with my face making me cry out in pain.

"Now look at what you made me do Shorty." Hearing my nickname only one person is allowed to call me, I back away from him creating more distance before I shakily respond back to him. "O-only Alex c-can call me that." I say in whisper.

In retrospect, that may have been the dumbest thing to say as I notice he stalks towards me with a murderous look on his eyes.

"I'm going to make you forget about Alex." He spits out his name as if it's poison in his mouth before he shoves me into the wall again.

At this point I think my back is going to be sporting a good bruise as well as my face.

Before I can do anything else, he shoves his mouth onto mine making me cry even harder as I try to shove him away again before he pins my hands above my head against the wall. He continues to kiss me roughly as I resist the urge to gag.

As I continue to struggle, he shoves his tongue in my mouth making me feel even more sick to my stomach. With one hand he keeps my hands pinned firmly to the wall as the other begins to wander down my body making me cry even harder. Fortunately, before he can start to do the unthinkable I hear my favorite voice in the world.

"Get the fuck off of her." I hear him say with venom laced in his voice before Dayton is ripped off me as Alex stands in front of me protectively as I slid down the wall and curl into a ball as if to shield me from the danger in front of me.

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