Chapter 24

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Last night was one of the best nights of my life. I can't believe he actually asked me. I know I said I wanted to take this slowly but it's about time. Immediately after I got home I called Emily and told her how it went and to say she was ecstatic is an understatement. I never heard that girl scream so loudly the whole time knowing her but she did last night almost busting my ear drums. However no one can be as happy as I am except maybe Alex.

The minute we got to school and walked in with Alex holding my hand, I knew things would get interesting today. All morning I had to deal with whispers from onlookers and stares as people probably didn't expect Alex to get a girlfriend let alone me.

Not letting it get to me for once I continue walking until we reach my class. "I wonder if this will get easier." I say out loud making him look at me confused. "I mean the whole time from the minute we got here until now, people have done nothing but stare and whisper at me." I explain further making him slowly start to smile before he leans towards me giving me quick kiss. No matter how many times we kiss it still feels like the first time. "Then let them. The only opinions that matter is yours and mine and I like you a lot Shorty." He says after making me smile and hug him quickly before separating and heading to my seat before the bell rings.

The whole time is spent with Alex sneakily sending me texts making me resist the urge to giggle at his silliness before we both get caught. He never seemed to care about the fact that were in school as he would not even hide the fact that's he was texting. Although to be fair we had a teacher in our first class that doesn't really care much as long as we don't disrupt the class.

After a couple of hours through the day it's finally lunch and I stop walking making Alex stop as well. "What's wrong Shorty?" He asks me wondering why I stopped walking with him. Smiling at him shyly I respond. "Sorry but I forgot something, I'll meet you in a bit?" I ask. Looking like he's about to protest I quickly hug him around the waist before reaching up kissing him quickly. "I'll be quick I promise." Smiling, he nods at me before turning and continuing on to the courtyard. Blissfully I turn around and head to my locker as I forgot to get my book out. However before I make it, an arm suddenly grabs mine before pulling me roughly into an empty classroom. Looking up confused, I noticed Brooke and instantly begin to roll my eyes.

"What do you want?" I ask her with irritation noticeable in my tone making her look at me with a glare. "What I want is for you to leave Alex alone." She says matter-of-factly to me. Chuckling, I raise an eyebrow in her direction as if indicating she suggested something crazy. Which she did. "Why would I do that for? He likes me and I like him." I state making her glare deepen even more.

Stepping closer, she comes toe to toe with me before hisses in my face. "He's only using you. Alex is mine. Always was, and always will be." Having enough I instead roll my eyes and proceed to walk around her leaving. "You know this whole song and dance thing is getting pretty old but whatever floats your boat." I say back not even turning towards however I can imagine the rage on her face.

Before I make it too far out the door, I am stopped instantly at the words that fly out her mouth. "Dayton wouldn't like this." Spinning around my eyes widen as I hear the name I desperately want to forget fall from her mouth as I start to tremble at hearing the mention of him. "H-How do you know-" she cuts me off finishing my sentence. "About Dayton?" She chuckles slyly before continuing. "Oh honey, who do you think gave him your number?" She asks making me become all the more fearful. How did she get my number? How does she know Dayton now? From what Alex said, he moved away to another school.

As if hearing my thoughts, she responds again. "It's quite easy to look up a number you know. Nothing is safe on the internet." She says before she leaves me alone in my thoughts.

I don't stay in the classroom for too long as I don't want Alex to worry. As I'm walking towards the courtyard I am stopped yet again as my phone goes off not expecting the words I read on my screen.

So you and Alex huh? Well this won't do Shorty.

Why won't he just leave me alone? What does it want? Some kind of sick revenge against Alex that somehow involves me? I'm not apart of any of this, why can't he just let it go?

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