Chapter 28

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My eyes slowly begin to open as I begin to wake up. My head hurts so bad. What happened? As soon as I think that my eyes widen as I start to remember why my head hurts and why I'm in this unknown place. Dayton kidnapped me while I was walking to school. Instantly I start to struggle before noticing I'm tied down. My hands are tied behind to a chair and my legs tied to the legs of the chair. Immediately my eyes water as I realize how stuck I am. Why did I have to want to walk? Why didn't I just stick to what we usually do and let Alex drive me to school or even let him walk with me? Maybe this wouldn't have happened if he was with me.

"So, the bitch is awake." I hear from behind me as someone comes around to where I can see them. Brooke. "W-Why am I here? W-What's going o-on?" I ask shakily as I start to feel scared. I thought Dayton took me. Why is Brooke here? As if answering my question, she slaps me making my check sting as my head snaps sideways from the impact. "You stole Alex from me you whore!" She screams at me as more tears threaten to fall. "Enough Brooke. I don't need my girlfriend with marks on her face." I hear from the darkest corner of the room. Alex?! Did he really come for me?

Soon my excitement is quickly turned into horror as Dayton comes from the dark into the light. Feeling disgusted with his declaration I start struggling again. "I'm not your girlfriend! I'm with Alex!" I scream at him only abruptly stopping my movements at the look of rage in his eyes at what I said. He quickly strides his way to me before he kneels down to where his face is level with mine. Suddenly his hand shoots out and grips my face harshly as he jerks my head in his direction. "Don't ever say his name again. You're mine." He says before he roughly let go and stands up again.

"No, I'm not! I'm not anybody's! Alex is my boyfriend and you're just a creepy stalker!" I scream at him again. Suddenly I feel his fist connects with the side of my face as I cry out in pain and the tears threatening to fall earlier come down rapidly. I hang my head down as my hair falls covering my face as I cry silently.

I should really learn to keep my mouth shut. I think to myself before my hair is grabbed roughly and my head jerks upward, so it's tilted backwards making me look at him. "STOP SAYING THAT NAME!" Dayton screams in my face as I flinch beneath him.

"He's right you know. Alex is mine and you are his." Brooke adds from behind him as she casually leans against the wall like this is an everyday event to her. "What do you guys want with me? Let me go!" I say to them both as I fight against the ropes securing me to the chair as Dayton's grip on my hair tightens making me stop as the pain begins to become unbearable. "I already told you Shorty, you're mine." He says before he suddenly leans his down and kisses me making my eyes widen as I fight even harder against him. Slowly his grips loosen against my hair as he brings his other hand up to my face gripping it roughly again. He pries my mouth open with his tongue but before he can go further, I bit down on it as hard as I can making him rip himself from me as he yelps in pain holding his tongue.

"You bitch!" He says before he punches me again. Feeling the saltiness of my tears and the copper taste of blood mixed with it, I can't help but feel proud of myself as I look at Dayton with a glare on my face. "Don't touch me." I say through my tears. I feel so disgusted with myself.

Dayton just stares at me for a long minute before he comes up to me again making me flinch backward from him. Seeing this he glared back at me gripping my neck with his hand putting slight pressure on it bringing my face close to his. "Pretty soon Shorty, my touch is the only one you'll want." He hissed before tossing me away as he lets go.

I hang my head again as the tears flow freely now. "He'll come for me." I whisper in a quiet voice I wasn't sure even I heard it. He looks at me curiously before bringing my head up by my hair. "What did you say?" He whispers harshly making me grin at his anger. I look him in the eye as my grin widens. "He'll come for me just like he did the last time. And when he does, you'll be fucking sorry." I spit out at him as he flares his nostrils in anger before throwing his fist at my face making me lose consciousness yet again.

I don't know how long I was out but when I come to, Brooke and Dayton are both gone. Feeling the security of aloneness, I can't help but cry before I realize something else that's different. I'm not tied to a chair anymore, instead I'm now tied to a bed. My heartbeat picks up as my eyes widen when I realize what's going. While I was out Dayton must have moved me from the chair to a bed. I start crying even harder when I realize what he's planning to do. Finish what he started.

I start to hear noises coming from the other side of the door making me start struggling as it must be Dayton. I won't let him do this to me, I can't. I start crying harder as my desperate attempt to be let go stops suddenly as the door creaks open slowly. Not wanting to see it happen I close my eyes tightly as more tears escape. I start feel hands on my leg making me jump as my eyes snap open while a scream threatens its way out.

"Shorty! It's me, calm down. SAM!" I hear someone whisper harshly as I start to calm down as my eyes begin to focus on the one person I was waiting to see. "Alex?" I ask through my tears as he smiles sadly before working on the ropes. "It's okay I'm here, Shorty. I'm here." He says quietly as he grabs my face after getting me untied. I throw my arms around him as he hugs me back tightly. "We have to go." He says in my ear before pulling away. He helps me off the bed before guiding me out of the room and down the hall as he tries to lead me out of the building I was on. As we make it out, I notice I was in a cabin in the middle of the woods. Awesome. Alex grabs my hand tightly as he leads me away from the nightmare I was in.

Before we go any further, I'm harshly ripped away from Alex making him turn around as Dayton holds me tight against him making me struggle.

My movements stop as my blood runs cold at the feel of a gun being pressed to my head.

"Your not going anywhere."

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