Chapter 26 (Alex)

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I was slightly curious when Shorty told me that I didn't need to pick her up for school today. I wondered why she wanted to walk instead, especially when anything can happen to her. As I made it to school I got out of my car and started looking around for her wondering why she isn't here yet. She didn't live too far from school so she should've been here by now.

I suddenly hear a slight noise coming from beyond the school grounds. Curious and confused I start looking around trying to see what would make that sound. However, before I could make anything out I'm suddenly started when Chase pops up beside me. "Hey Al! Where's Sammi?" He asks while throwing his arm around my shoulder. "I don't know man, she said she wanted to walk to school so I didn't pick her up." I state while shrugging my shoulders. Hearing the bell ring, I start to become a tiny bit worried since I still haven't seen Shorty yet. Maybe her mom kept her for some reason?

As I walk through the school I quickly get my phone out and send her quick text.

Where are you Shorty? Are you okay?

I should've never gave in to her so quickly and let her walk alone. Now I have no idea where she's at or if she's okay. Honestly, I'm probably making a big deal out of nothing.

Then why do I feel like somethings wrong.

The day seemed to go by quickly and still no sign of my Shorty. I'm currently looking around the courtyard with Chase and Emily beside as they give me worried looks. "Alex? Have you seen Sam? She wasn't in chemistry." I hear Emily ask me making me turn to her with wide eyes. "Yeah, come to think of it, I haven't really seen her all day and she wasn't in our history class either Alex." Chase adds on. 

The more these two talk about Shorty not being at school, the more and more I feel that the sinking feeling I was getting earlier has to do with her. "Honestly, I don't know where she is. She told she wanted to walk to school today and I haven't seen her." I said trying not to make the other two as worried as I am. "I'm sure she's fine guys. Maybe her mom pulled her out of school for the day for some mother daughter time." I said shrugging my shoulders in a 'I don't know' fashion. Truthfully, it was the best thing I could come up with to calm my nerves as I pray it was true.

Pretty soon the bell rang indicating the end of lunch. As I make my way through the hall after telling the twins bye, I'm suddenly stopped by someone blocking my way. Seeing the little she devil in front of me, I narrow my eyes as I try to get through her. "What do you want Brooke. I need to go." I say quickly while still trying to get anyway. Brooke grips my arm with her hands stopping me from moving making me glare deeper in her direction. Not noticing the hostile mood I'm in, she smiles trying to be seductive as she pushes her body on my arm. "Where are you going Alex? And where's your plaything?" She says making me grow angrier at her disrespect and obvious hatred towards my Shorty. How dare she!

Jerking my arm from her grasp I nudge her away while creating distance between. Seeing the pout on her face at this I roll my eyes. "Sam isn't my plaything, she's my girlfriend." I hiss in her direction before turning and quickly escaping from her sight before heading to class.

Throughout the whole school day I couldn't help but grow more and more worried as Shorty still never did show nor did she ever text me back.

Something is wrong. I think to myself. Shorty loved to learn there's no way she would skip school intentionally and risk getting in trouble. As I'm walking to my car, I feel my phone go off in my pocket. Thinking it's Shorty, I quickly grab it ready to answer when the words that responded to my text aren't hers.

Shorty is busy right now, can she take a message?

Dayton. That fucker took her. I knew I shouldn't have let her walk alone to school, he probably took her then. Filling rage enter my body, I quickly type back hoping to figure out where she is.

Dayton, you ass. WHERE IS SHE?!

Hoping he would answer with a location, I become even more furious by his response as my eyes widen as I read what he sent.

She's with me. And ready finish the fun.

I need to do something before he hurts her. He will pay if he laid one finger on Sam. I knew I shouldn't have let her decide to walk alone, I should have met her and walked with her even if she didn't want me to then maybe she wouldn't have been in this mess. I hear the phone beep again and I'm almost too afraid to look to see what else he has to say. 

She's mine now, you lost your chance with her. 

No I can't let this happen. I have to find them before Dayton does something worse to her than what he almost did that day. Don't worry Shorty, I'll find you and make him pay.

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