Chapter 25

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The whole day I couldn't get the words from Dayton out of my head as I worried what he meant by that. Will he assault me again? Or would he actually do something worse? I could tell I was worrying Alex by my silence and spacing out because he would constantly glance at me and give me questioning glances every now and then as he drove me home. I couldn't bring myself to tell him Dayton had texted me again and that somehow Brooke gave him my number. Would he even believe me about the Brooke thing? She was his ex after all.

I know I should probably tell him but it goes against my statement of wanting to forget everything to do with Dayton. For once I just want to be left in peace. One day is that too much to ask for? Apparently it is cause the minute I think that my phone goes off again and I look seeing it's him again.

Better watch your back.

"Who was that Shorty?" Alex asks me making me panic slightly before responding to him. "Just my mom, nothing important." I lie. I hate lying but I don't want him to worry as he does every time Dayton is involved. Sending him a smile I can only hope that it eases his mind and he doesn't question it further. Seeing him focus back on driving I quietly let out a sigh of relief.

We make it back to my house and both get out heading toward the door. Opening it, I step inside heading toward the living to sit on the couch hearing Alex follow behind me. "So what do you want to do?" I ask him as he sits beside me and throws his arm around my shoulder. Shrugging he simply just says, "We can just watch tv? I can't stay long anyway. My parents need me home soon." Nodding I grab the remote turning on a random channel as I get comfortable against.

After a while I seem to notice that Alex seems to be bored as he just softly plays with my hair and occasionally strokes my arm making me giggle. "Can I help you sir?" I ask still slightly giggling. Suddenly he turns to face me smirking as I know he's planning something. I'm about to ask when he tackles me on the couch on top of me making me fall back.

My eyes widen as I feel his finger tips run frantically over my sides making me burst out laughing as he tickles me. "Stop! Alex!" I exclaim between laughs as I can't take the tickling. Laughing slightly he shakes his head at me as he continues. "Never!" He yells out on top of me as he continues to tickle. Not able to take any more, I forcefully shove him off of me making him accidentally fall on the floor as I laugh at his face. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" I ask still laughing. Chuckling, he gets up and sits by me again and nods his head before leaning towards me. "I'm perfectly fine." He whispers before he leans even more before kissing me.

Instantly I melt into his arms, wrapping my hands around his neck as he grips my hips slightly before pulling me onto his lap. I faintly hear the front door opening but I don't register the sound as I'm so lost in Alex.

"Well this is new." I hear my mom say making me jump away from Alex as a blush creeps onto my face. "Hi mom." I say shyly as I see Alex trying to contain his laughter making me glare at him. "Who is this gentleman that was stuck to my daughters face?" She asks, making me blush even more and Alex not able to take anymore just laughs loudly at her question making my mother laugh as well.

"Mom, this is Alex. My boyfriend." I say. Instantly a smile breaks out onto her face as she becomes happy at my words. "Oh hi! I never thought I'd see the day I'd meet you! I feared I would never become a grandma!" She says making my eyes widen. "MOM!" I yell as she laughs and waves me off. Slowly Alex turns to me with a grin. "I like your mom." He says making me blush again. "It's nice to meet you to ma'am. Unfortunately I can't stay any longer, I have to get home." He says as he gets up. "Oh it's quite alright dear. You're welcome by any time." She says still smiling as he nods and tells me bye before leaving. After he's gone, my mom turns to me with a grin on her face. "Well that was interesting." She says making me face plant onto the couch groaning as my mother laughs at me.

The next morning I wake up and start getting ready for school. I text Alex telling him to not worry about taking me to school. I don't know why but I feel like taking a walk to school today. Of course he offers to walk with me making me smile, however I just tell him it's fine and he reluctantly agrees.

After saying bye to mom, I head out and begin walking to school. The fresh air and cool breeze feels nice on my face as I walk down the sidewalk. Pretty soon I start to see the school in the distance as I also spot Alex's car in the parking lot. I smile instantly as I see him looking around for someone and begin to quicken my pace as I'm sure he's looking for me. However, I don't make it far before I'm roughly grabbed around the waist making me scream. I see Alex looked confused for a second as if he could faintly hear me making me want to scream louder to get his attention. Before I'm able to scream anymore I feel a hand wrap around my mouth with a cloth making my eyes widen as I smell a chemical on the chemical on it. Chloroform.

I struggle even harder against whoever has a tight grip on me instantly knowing what is about to happen if I don't get away soon. Not able to hold my breath any longer I start to take a breath as the chemical makes its way into my system as my eyes start to drift close.

"I told you to watch your back there Shorty." I hear above followed by a deep laugh before my eyes close as I see nothing but darkness.

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