Chapter 27 (Alex)

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I start to feel numb. It can't be true, she can't be with him. How did this happen? I vaguely hear Chase and Emily behind me but I'm to stunned to say anything. "Hey Alex? Man, what's wrong wrong?" I turn to Chase seeing his confused expression but it instantly turn into one to match my own look of worry. "She's gone." I say quietly.

"Who's gone?" Emily asks me while she pushes Chase away and looks at me softly. "Shorty. He took Shorty." I continue still not having the energy to talk normally or do anything really.

I hear Emily gasp as Chase just looks at me with a shocked face. "We should call 911!" Emily yells as I numbly nod my head pulling my phone from my pocket and dial.

"911, what's your emergency?" The monotonous voice says over the phone. "Uhm, yea I'm Alex. My girlfriend was kidnapped." I say shakily as the situation finally sinks in. "Sir, you're gonna have to go to the station and file a report." She says still sounding like a robot. I quickly say I will before she hangs up.

"Well what did they say?" Chase asks me as him and Emily both were watching me on the phone. "The stupid lady said I have to go to the station and file a report." I respond as I head to my car. "I'll text you guys when I find out anything." I add not letting them respond as I pull out of the parking lot and head to the police station.

As I drive down the street, I can't help but worry about Sam. If he's doing what he said he would, finish the fun. I know what he was hinting at, and I would never what Sam to go through that. She could barely handle the thought of it happening to her. As soon as I get into the parking lot I quickly but safely, I'm still at the police station, turn off the ignition, I get out and lock the car before heading to the front doors.

Seeing the front desk I rush to it and quickly explain the situation. "I believe my girlfriend was kidnapped today before school. Please you have to find her." I almost scream making the receptionist look almost scared. "I'm sorry, I'm just worried about her." I tell her making her look at me with soft eyes before offering a small smile. "It's okay dear. Why don't you have a sit and I'll get an officer to come and talk to you." She says while pointing to a few chairs that are back against the wall in a corner. I nod my head as I take a few calming breaths and head over to sit.

Not long after, I see an officer head in my direction. Standing I met him halfway as he begins speaking. "Hello sir, I'm Officer Jackson. How can I help you?" He asks me as I quickly begin fumbling over my words. "Sir, I need you to calm down and explain what's going on." He says as he puts his hand on my shoulder in a calming manner. I take a deep breath again and begin. "My girlfriend Sam, she was kidnapped this morning before school." I say as he features begin to form into a look of concentration. "I have to ask, why do you believe she was kidnapped?" He asks.

I know he's just doing his job, getting all the facts before jumping to conclusions, but he's making me feel like the boy who cried wolf. Ignoring the anger I feel, I explain to him what happened. "She texted me this morning that she wanted to walk to school instead of drive her there like I normally do. I didn't think anything of it, but at the end of the school day I never saw her once and she never missed school before. Then I got a text from her but it wasn't her." I say to him as I pull out my phone and show him the texts from Dayton. As he reads the brief conversation I had with Dayton, he turns to me curiously. "Do you know what he means when he refers to fun?" He asks.

I nod my head as a grim look takes over my face. "He almost raped her. I stopped him before he could but his intention was clear." I whisper. His eyes widen at my statement as he begins jotting notes down in his notepad. "Do you know who took her?"

"Dayton. Dayton Johnson." I tell him. Almost immediately after I tell him the name he turns to the receptionist. "Put a APB out on a Dayton Johnson." He says before looking at me again. "Would you consider him dangerous?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders in response. "Maybe? I don't think he's right in the head. He made himself believe that Sam is in love with him because he likes her." I explain. Nodding he looks back at the lady again. "Put him to be considered armed and dangerous. We don't know the situation she's in and if he even has a weapon." He says before explaining to me. "From what you said, us going in without any weapons or bullet proof vests could be a danger to us. If he's really not 'right in the head' as you put it. He could see us as a threat to him and Sam." I look at him with confusion before I ask, "what do you mean a danger to him and Sam? He's a danger to her!" I tell him as he cocks an eyebrow in my direction.

"We have to take every precaution in this situation as we don't know what we're going into when we get there. As you put it, in his mind him and your girlfriend are together and if we show up he could view us as the danger taking her away from him which in turn could cause him to become even more dangerous than we think is and risk hurting your girlfriend in the process. To him, he thinks he's protecting Sam from everyone but himself." He explains as I somewhat calm down. "Just find her please." I plead quietly while I resist the urge to cry.

Officer Jackson places his hand back on my shoulder as he looks at me with determination in his face. "I promise you son, we'll find your girlfriend and we'll bring her back unharmed. And as for this Dayton, we'll make sure he's put away for good so he can't hurt her ever again. It's what we do." He says making me nod my head as I start to feel calmer knowing Sam is going to be okay once they find her.

I'll have you back with me soon Shorty. Safe and sound. Even if I have to safe you myself.

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