Chapter 13

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Over the next couple days, I couldn't help but feel as if I'm being watched. Maybe whoever left that note, is watching me. The one thing that bugs me about this is that Alex seems to know who did it, however he won't tell me. All he says when I ask him is, "Don't worry about it." How can I not worry? It's a note for me, threatening me. No matter how many times I ask him he just says the same thing.

Later at the end of the school day, I'm walking to my locker but stop momentarily at seeing another note as well as Brooke leaning against the lockers. Great a two in one. Sighing, I walk forward and quickly grab the note before attempting to ignore her as I put my things away that I didn't need. Notice I said attempting. 

However, it doesn't work out as the slams the door shut in my face before speaking. "So, you've been getting little notes huh? Good. Maybe then you'll stay away from Alex without having to deal with me." Curiously I turn to her so I can question her myself. "Do you know who's been leaving these notes?" I ask knowing I won't get an answer, but I try anyway. "And what if I do? Why would I tell you that." She says before she turns and leave. Before she gets to far she stops momentarily before casting a glance my way over her shoulder. "If I were you, I'd stay away from Alex though. And also tell your little friend if she hits me like that again, there will be hell to pay." Rolling my eyes I begin walking towards the exit. Here we go again.

As I approach the parking lot I see Alex leaning against his car with his arms folded over his chest. Knowing the reaction I am soon to get, I slowly hand him the note as I look down. "There's another one." I say quietly. "Did you read it?" He asks after a moment of silence. Shaking my head I feel the note get placed back in my hand. Curiously I look up to see him giving me a warm smile. "Let's read it together yeah?" Nodding, I shift nervously in front of him before opening the note.

It's amusing you think Brooke is behind it. Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. However the point still stands. Keep hanging out with Alex and someone is bound to get hurt.

Blinking back tears, I look at Alex's face to see him looking dangerously angry. Grabbing the note he furiously rips it up before letting the pieces fall to the ground and stomping on them. "This is enough!" he hisses at no one in particular.

"What do you mean?" I ask timidly a little afraid of this side of Alex.

As if noticing my presence for the first, he calms down somewhat before gesturing to get in to take me home. After getting in and starting the car, he starts driving out of the parking lot and towards the direction of my house. "I mean, I'm not letting whoever it is that is leaving you these notes get away with it. I'll find out who it is and I'll put a stop to it." He tells me calmly. Giving him a soft smile I gently grab his hand before relaxing and enjoying the rest of the ride.

As my house approaches, I start to feel nervous. Will he give me an actual kiss this time? I see out of the corner of my eye as he gets out and comes over to my door before opening it and leading me to my front door. "Promise me Shorty, if you get anymore notes, tell me." He says softly while grabbing my hands. I give him a reassuring smile that seems to cause him to relax even more. "I promise." I tell him softly. Leaning toward I wrap my arms around his neck as he returns the gesture, holding me close to him as if I'm going to disappear. After a few minutes of bliss, I start to pull away. Before I have a chance to turn towards the door and head inside, Alex stops me. "Do you want to hang out tomorrow? At my spot?" Grinding widely, I nod my head eagerly as he smiles in return before saying bye and heading off.

I wish I knew who was leaving me these notes, and why do I have the feeling that someone is watching me? And why me? Why not someone more popular or better yet more deserving of having the shit scared out of them like Brooke? No matter what I think I really wouldn't wish this on anyone, not even someone as cruel and mean as her. 

Thinking back to all that has happened to me the last few days, I wonder if maybe it's Dayton who is doing this. However, I don't know this person so why would it be him? 

hearing my phone go off, I reach over and grab it off the charger to see Alex has texted me. 

Are you okay Shorty?

I smile at his cuteness and worry over me as I give him a response. 

I'm fine, really.  I'm just thinking.

If it's about the mystery texter, Don't stress okay? We will figure out who it is and stop them but you don't need to be thinking abut it right now okay?

Okay. I need to get some sleep anyway. Goodnight Alex.

Goodnight Shorty.

I lock my phone back, putting it back on the charger before I lay in bed and try to fall asleep letting all the worries and concerns drown into the back of my mind.

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