Chapter 22

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If only Alex didn't stop me.

We could've had more fun.

Keep hanging around him you'll get hurt again.

I love you Sam, stop ignoring me.

My eyes watered as I kept reading the messages from Dayton. Now that I think about it the unknown messages I got before was probably him to. But one question remains.

How did he get my number?

Ignoring the messages, I continue walking down the hall until I see Alex by my locker. Memories of this past weekend rush through my head as I run toward him throwing my arms around him and hugging him tightly.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you either Shorty but, why?" He asks me while pulling away slightly. Seeing my tears, he instantly starts to look worried as he holds my head gently in his hands. "What's wrong?"

"I got a few texts messages. Remember when that unknown person texted me?" Nodding his head, he looks confused as I hand him my phone so he can see for himself. Slowly his confusion turns to anger as he reads the messages I have received from Dayton. "That fucker." He hissed through clenched teeth. Pretty soon Alex goes through the messages on my phone and deletes every one of them. "What are you doing?" I ask as he hands me my phone back when he's done before walking me to class.

"I'm got rid of what he sent. Then I blocked the number. Hopefully that ass won't bother you again." He explains before saying bye and heading off to his class. As I sit through class I couldn't help but think, if he went through the trouble of my number, what's stopping him from doing it again with a different phone?

A few classes later and the bell rings for lunch. I head out of the class and head towards the courtyard to meet the others. Seeing them already sitting by the tree I start to smile making my way over. "Hey Sammi!" I hear Chase say as I say hi back. The conversation starts up as we talk about actual nonsense but pretty soon I'm laughing at something stupid that was said as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Curiously I take my phone out and look at the screen seeing another unknown number.

Can't get rid of me that easily love. Pretty soon you'll be mine.

My eyes widen as I feel myself start to shake slightly. "He, he still." My voice trails off as I look at Alex. "He texted you again?!" He asks taking my phone. Curiously I look on the screen to see him texting back. Shocked I looked at Alex again. "Why are you texting him?" I ask as he looks focused while typing. Ignoring me he continues texting until he pushes send and handing my phone back. I look down curious to see what he put.

Leave her the fuck alone Dayton. This is borderline stalking and we will call the police on you.

"Do you think he'll listen?" I ask as he shrugs before hearing my phone go off again.

Then call them. I'd like to see them try to trace this number.

"I just want to forget him and everything that's happen, can we please do that?" I plead to him as I notice Chase and Emily watching us have this conversation with confused looks on their faces.

Right, they don't know what happened.

As if hearing my thoughts, Emily starts questioning us. "What's going on? Who's he?" She asks looking between us. Not wanting to relive that nightmare I look away as Alex hugs me gently to his side and explains.

"The past weekend Shorty here ran into Dayton. He assaulted her, almost raped her, and now he's texting her all this nonsense about finishing what he started and that she'll be his." I close my eyes tightly fighting back the tears as Alex finishes talking. Simultaneously, Emily and Chase both gasp and their eyes widen. "Are you okay Sam?!" I hear Emily ask me as I continue looking away. I nod my head as I respond back. "Yea I'm fine now, Alex saved me." 

At my words his grip tightens slightly as he comforts me before turning me to look at him. "I promised he wouldn't hurt you and he did. Now I'm promising I won't ever let him even near you again." I smile sympathetically at his words before I give him a short hug before pulling away. "It's okay Alex, you weren't there you couldn't have stopped him until you got there. It's not your fault. You can't be with me all the time." I whisper to him as he starts to shake his head and sighs. "I know I wish I could be." He says softly.

I hear the bell ring as lunch ends. Standing up I turn to go to my class but Alex stops me. Looking at him questionably, I wonder why he stopped me. Before I can ask him however he starts talking. "I know you said you wanted to take things slow but, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me tonight?" He asks me. Forgetting our problems with Dayton I smile and hug him tightly. "Yes I would love to." I say pulling away. "You know I was wondering how long it would take you to ask me." I add while giggling. He chuckles slightly before shaking his head at my silliness and walks me to class.

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