Chapter 23

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By the end of the day I see Emily by my locker. I smile and greet her as I walk up. "So you and Alex have a date tonight huh?" She asks nudging me slightly as I blush and nod my head. "Yeah, we finally do." I say giggling a little bit at the end. To think only a couple of months ago I wouldn't have ever dreamed of going on a date with Alex or really anyone.

"What are you going to wear?" Emily asks me excitedly next to me bringing me out of my thoughts. Shrugging, I turn to face her. "I don't really know to be honest. I don't know where he's taking me and I was also kind of hoping you'd help me?" I ask her silently hoping she will. Squealing, she begins to jump in place clapping her hands. "YES!!" She squeals in my ear basically while dragging me out of the school. "Alright calm down Em, it's not until tonight." I say while laughing at her antics. As if ignoring me, she continues to drag me down the parking lot and into the sidewalk walking down the street. Suddenly I pull her to a stop and watch as she spins in my direction looking impatient. "I hate to rain on your parade Em but, you don't know where I live." I state as she drops my arm slowly and begins to look sheepish. Giggling slightly at her antics, I grab her arm softly before leading her to my house.

After a short walk, we reach my front door. Opening I see my mom in the living room seemingly watching tv. "Hey mom, I'm home and this is my friend Emily." I say as I introduce her to Emily. "Oh hi honey! And hi Emily, it's nice to meet you." She replies back. Offering a smile to my mom Emily responds, "Hi Mrs. Grey."

"Oh it's actually Ms. but you can actually just call me anything other than that. Makes me feel old." She says chucking surprising me. My mom is always big on being formal, but I guess she likes Emily enough. "Alright mom were going to my room so I can get ready for my date."

Immediately after I say the words I start to regret it. "Oh you have a date tonight? Why am I hearing of this now?" She asks stopping me from heading to my room as I turn around from the stairs to face her. Laughing nervously, I offer a shy smile. "Sorry mom I forgot to mention it. Alex asked me out today."

For a few minutes she just gives me a stern stare before she unexpectedly laughs a bit confusing me. "Oh I'm just messing with you honey. I hope it goes well for you and you have fun." She says before turning back to the tv.

Turning back around I just gesture to Emily to follow as I head to my room. "Okay so this is what we're working with." She's says as she passes me heading to my closet. "Yeah I guess so. Before I met you guys I didn't really get out much."

Silence falls between as we both remember how much of a loner I was. "I think I found something here. It's a dress. Not to dressy but casual enough in case he surprises you with a picnic or something."she says pulling out a dress I haven't worn since my dad left. Smiling softly I grab the fabric with my fingers as I hold it in my hands. "Alright but I'm not wearing heels." I state as she chuckles and nods. Leaving me to get ready, Emily heads downstairs to talk with my mom.

After I'm dressed I head down seeing the shocked look on my mom's face. "I haven't seen you wear that in forever honey." She says quietly making me smile. "It's perfect for today." I say as she comes up to me giving me a hug.

Pretty soon I hear a car pull up making a smile come to my face as I know who it is. Saying bye to my mom as Emily left shortly after I got ready, I head to the door leaving and heading to Alex.

"Wow, Shorty you look beautiful." He whispers softly as I approach him. Blushing I give him a shy smile as he leads me to the car door before I get in. Coming over to the drivers side, he gets in and begins driving. "So where are we going?" I ask as he shakes his head and laughs. "Wouldn't be surprise now would it?" He ask as I laugh as well. Not long after I begin to recognize where we are going. Deciding to let him keep it a surprise though I know where we're going, I decide not to say anything and just smile.

"We're here." He says as he gets out and coming to my door and opening it for me. Getting out I offer him a smile as I take his hand. "You know it's not a surprise if I recognize where we are going right?" I ask as he leads me to his spot. "True but the surprise is the destination not the journey." He responds.

Shortly after we come across the clearing and I stop short admiring what he's done with the spot. Seeing lights strung around the trees surrounding a blanket I look at Alex as he seems to be blushing a bit while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand nervously. "I hope you like it, Chase helped me come up with this." He says shyly. Walking over to him I reach up and give him a kiss on the cheek. "It's perfect." I say softly as he smiles before leading me over to the blanket before we sit and enjoy ourselves.

After a while it starts to get dark making the date seem all the more magical as the lights illuminate the small area we're sitting at. Hearing music play, I look over at Alex curiously as he begins to stand and extends a hand to me. "Want to dance?" He asks me. Blushing I take his hand as he helps me up and wraps his other hand around my waist as I place his on his shoulder. We sway together in silence aside from soft music playing as I lay my head against his chest making him hold me tighter.

Feeling him pull away slightly, I look at him to see he is already looking at my face. "I like you a lot Shorty and I don't know how much longer I can take doing this 'taking it slow' idea you have. I understand completely why, I just have one question." He states. Curiously I nod my head indicating him to continue not really having words at the moment. Slowly he lets go of my waist and hand to holding my face with both hands causing me blush yet again. He slowly leans forward until his forehead meets mine. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He whispers to me in a question.

Feeling my eyes start to water with overwhelming feelings of love, I nod my head vigorously. "Yes, of course." I say making him smile before leaning forward more letting my lips with his.

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