Chapter 18 (Chase)

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I sigh after hanging up the phone. He can be a real dumbass most of the time. If only he realized how much he was actually hurting poor Sammi. I'm going to get those two back on track if it's the last thing I do.

The next day I hurried to school so I can talk to Alex. I'm going to make him see sense. Seeing his car pull up I storm over to his door opening it before roughly pulling him out of the car. "Hey man! What's the deal?" He asks while pushing me off of him. "The deal is you're going to man up and talk to Sammi and tell her everything. And don't you dare say you can't because you can, and you will." I tell him sternly. "Even if I have to tie you to a chair and put her in front of you and lock the door, you two are going to talk." I added.

He shook his head to me before beginning walking away. Before he could get too far, I pulled him to a stop but before I could get another word in, he gave me a sharp look. "Look even if I wanted to, what makes you think she wants to even hear me out anymore. She fucking slapped me when I tried to explain it to her you know." Nodding my head, I sent him a glare before sighing. "Yes, I do know I saw remember? And quite frankly she should've done a hell of a lot more than that you prick. Look is this the same girl you've told me that was the only one for you?" I ask him as he looks down in thought.

"I know you're right, but no matter how hard I try she still doesn't want anything to do with me, not that I blame her really." He says before turning around again. Walking up to him I keep in pace with him as I respond. "I don't either, but she still deserves the truth and after that she can decide if your still worth it or not. Don't worry before the end of the day I'll have her ready and willing to listen to you, but I won't promise she'll forgive you. That is for her to decide." I state before parting ways and heading off to class.

The school day seemed to drag as I waited for the opportunity to talk to Sammi. Every time I saw her, she would run to class ignoring me or she was with my sister. I'm determined to talk to this stubborn girl before the end of the school day. I mean I guess I understand, she doesn't want to talk to Alex but I'm not with him when I try to talk to her.

Seeing my chance, I bolt out of the classroom as soon as the bell rings and run to her locker. I see her alone for once as I approach her. "Hey Sammi!" I shout for her attention as I come to a stop beside her. I hear her sigh before she turns in my direction and looks at me. "What do you want Chase?" She asks me.

"Look I know you don't want to hear this but, you got to let Alex explain." I plead to her as I see her face turn into anger. Slamming the door, she glares at me. "Why should I?! He could've explained when I asked him that day in the woods but no, he stood there tight lipped not saying a word! Instead, he says all those hurtful things to me and basically taking back every moment we shared since we met!"

"Look I understand he did it all wrong, but you deserve the truth, at least let him give you that and then after you can ignore him for as long as you live if that's what you want." I tell her. As my words register in her head, she slowly starts to consider my suggestion. "I'll give him one chance to tell me everything or I'm done with him for good." She says walking around. Before she gets too far, she stops to tell me something else over her shoulder. "I won't promise I'll forgive him though." She says quietly before disappearing in the crowd. Well, I guess that's better than nothing. A start.

Sighing I pull my phone out before sending Alex a text message.

Here's your chance Al. Don't fuck it up.

For both of their sakes, I hope they work it out.

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