Chapter 28

21 1 3

Graces pov:

"I cheated"

I'm sorry what the fuck?

His head dropped down and began to sob. I was kinda glad everyone was sleep because I wasn't quite sure how this was gonna go.

I tried to stay calm, my doctor said I'm to get too worked up as I'm more prone to Asthma attacks now because I was breathing of a machine for so long and they lead me to panic attacks.

Where the fuck is my inhaler when I need it ?!

I took in a deep breath and began to ask questions.

"Who did you cheat on me with?" I said I'm a low voice.

He whimpered and took a breath himself. "Lola"

"Lola" I repeated knowingly, letting out a sigh. Somehow I don't think this is entirely his fault. Sure I'm pissed. I mean he cheated, but look at him. He can't believe himself. He's punishing himself inside and I can tell.
"Em, what did u. How did you cheat on me, Harry?"

His breath faltered again and his eyes are still glued shut. "I. We. I"
Drawing out the I, taking ownership for what he had done.

"I slept with Lola. We had sex, last night."

Now it was my turn for lungs to stop working. Tears were streaming down my face. Its not that I didn't understand why, I mean it all makes sense now.

He was angry at me because he thought I'd slept with James. (Which I hadn't) so he slept with Lola out of spite? To move on I guess. That's why he was upset this morning and when he realised how much he fucked up he couldn't believe himself.

"When we're you, em. We're you ever gonna tell me."

"Yes, yes I was. Of course I was! I just. I didn't know how" he mumbled his last few words.

I sat there for a few moments in silence thinking about what I should do, he did the same.

"Is there anything else you would like to say?" I asked in a calm almost motherly voice. I don't think I've ever been this calm in my life! It's hard let me tell you.

He nodded but kept his head down.
"I am so sorry, I love you I do. The whole time I thought of you. And how what I was doing was wrong. But I was so angry, and I know that's no real excuse and I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry" he's now full on crying and sobbing into his hands.

"If I could take it back I would I swear, but I- I understand if you want to leave."

But I don't want to leave.
I don't want to not have you in my life haz.

"Okey. So here's what's going to happen. You're going to look at me Harry."

He slowly lifted his head and it killed me to see his bloodshot eyes and red cheeks.
His dimples no longer visible.

I swallowed what ever Saliva I had left in my mouth and continued.

"You. You're going to give me time and you're going to let me think, and you're going to understand that I deserve to feel hurt and used and disappointed. Alright?"

His head bobbed again.
"I love you Harry, and that's why it hurts. It hurts that you didn't trust me. And that if you thought you had seen something, you should have just confronted me instead of trying to "one up me"

I'm not breaking up with you Harry."

His eyes sparked with life for a moment before more tears fell, tears of happiness i assume?

"But, I need time to forgive you. I know I will, but I don't know how long that will be. We're both going to be pretty busy lately with the meeting later today and you boys recording the new album.
So you give me space and time while we're in private; the public doesn't have to know. And when I'm ready." I took another gulp of air. "I'll come to you"

With that he signalled his agreement with a motion of his head and I leant forward to kiss his forehead before walking down the isle briskly to the bathroom. Passing a pitiful looking Niall and Zayn on the way.

I guess they weren't sleeping then...

When I returned with make makeup applied and my thoughts gathered, they were all awake. Harry was sat at the other side of the plane alone and John one of our guards was now in my place. So I took his seat next to Niall. And sighed at my self pity, while feeling all their eyes on me.

"How much of that did you hear?"

No one knew what to say at first so Niall spoke up. "I heard all of it, and the others heard most"

"What do you think?"
"Does it matter what we think?" Louis added.

"It all happened so fast and I didn't want to overreact. But I'm scarred I didn't react at all..."

"Listen, you seemed so strong just there. I couldn't have done what you just did and I'm so proud of you because you know as well as I do that Harry hates himself right now." Liam took a breath before continuing "but you managed to be there bigger person while being reasonable, and showing him that you were hurt at the same time. You showed him you are in control now. I think you did the right thing." He reached over the row and squeezed my hand.

I returned the gesture and thanked him for his input.

"You'll be fine. He fucked up but you still love each other and you said yourself you're gonna try and forgive him. But you do need time and that's absolutely fine. Take as much as you need.

Now is about you, your new job and looking after yourself. Okey?"

"Yes Niall"

"Good princess. I'm so proud and I love you so much. Now get some rest"

He kissed the top of my head and I rested mine on his shoulder.
"I love you too Ni."

Well shit. That Happened, I wish I was as calm as her.
So my sister came to visit from Durham university today, I love her so much and we had a great day. We live on the beach so about 30 minutes ago we went down just her and me (7;45pm.) and then went in the hot tub. Anyway. That's a little to know about me. I'm a little sister and Rosie is 18.

Here's my question:

Do you have Any siblings?
If so how many, what age and what are they like?

One direction- the reunion Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat