Chapter 2

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When my eyes fluttered open, all I saw were bright lights. I winced and tried to bring my hand up. I tried not to panic as my foggy brain scrambled to figure out what was happening. My eyes tried hard to focus and I turned my head slowly. The slight movement made me extremely dizzy and I squeezed my eyes shut, groaning softly.

"Ren? I think she's coming to."

The voice sounded far away, but familiar. I reached out and felt a warm, soft hand fill mine and squeeze gently. That scent..

I opened my eyes again more slowly this time. She was hovering over me, concern furrowing her brows. Realizing it was her hand in mine, my heartbeat thudded against my chest.

"What happened?" I finally managed. Her hand gave mine another squeeze.

"Ren, you fell and hit your head. You've been unconscious for a few minutes and the ambulance is on the way. Try not to move." Her voice was steady and soothing.

"Okay.." I let out a shaky sigh and avoided her gaze.

"Beverly, can you please grab Miss Taylor's things and store them in my office?" She was focused and in charge. "Mark, get those boxes out of the way. EMT needs a clear path."

I felt horribly embarrassed. If there ever was a time to wish for a super power like invisibility or time travel this would have been it. Of course that was asking a lot since I couldn't even get a grip on something basic like.. balance. I'd done a lot of embarrassing, klutzy and awkward things in my life, but the current moment would seriously take top prize. I groaned again and tried to sit up.

"No!" Her voice was sharp and made me stop abruptly. Just then, there was a knock and EMT walked through the door, making their way over to me. I opened my mouth to attempt to say that I was probably fine, but Cameron shot me a quick look.

"She fell and hit her head on the floor. She lost consciousness for about 3 minutes. Her breathing had been steady and regular, as well as her pulse. She seems to have some understandable pain." She stepped back to let them have room.

"I- I think I'll be okay.." my voice cracked as I tried to sit up again and grimaced from the pain that radiated from the back of my head.

They helped me into a sitting position and asked some basic questions while taking my vitals. Everyone else in the office had scattered or been shooed away by Cameron.

"Ma'am, we're going to go ahead and take you in for some tests. It appears you might have suffered a mild concussion."

I felt the heat rising over my neck and face. "Um, okay.."

"I can accompany her." She stepped forward and bent her head to say something to Beverly. I couldn't hear what it was, but the next few minutes were a flurry of activity as we made our way to the ambulance.

Every single stare I got as we made our way through the large building was like another tiny dagger to my already bruised ego. Fighting back the tears that threatened to spill was proving to be a lot harder than I had imagined. There were hushed whispers and the staccato of Cameron's heels as she hurried to keep up.

Once safely inside the ambulance, I finally looked at her.

"Thank you.." I started, not quite sure what else to say. "You didn't have to come with me, I've disrupted your day enough. I'm sure I'm fine, it's just a bump. I've always been so clumsy, I should have paid more attention when I was opening the door and it happened so fast.." I realized I was completely rambling and trailed off. She hadn't said a word.

"You got hurt," she said simply. "Mark should have been more careful and it's not your fault." There was a fiery spark in her eyes that gave me that feeling in the pit of my stomach again.

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