The Guardian (CH:1)

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"Awake." Give a tap. Give a tap.

Harry groaned. Who the hell did that ...

Tap. "How long are you going to sleep?" The voice seemed annoyed. "Hears!" Give a tap. "I do not have time for this!"

"AWAKE!" Prick.

"OWWWW!" Harry hissed in pain when his side was hit by something sharp. "Because you do that?" He asked angrily before realizing he didn't know where he was. Harry blinked. All you see is darkness. Total blackness. What ... am I still sleeping? "Where I am?" A cough caught Harry's ears. A child, maybe a ten-year-old boy was looking at him. He has white hair and a pair of yellow cat-like eyes.Harry didn't like her eyes looking at him. It felt like she had seen through him. Sinister ...

"It's not nice to say creepy to the person who saves you, you know." The boy looked offended. Harry frowned. He didn't say it out loud. How can you hear it? "Because I can." Harry took a step back. Well, that was a bit puzzling. It was strange enough to wake up in an unfamiliar place with an unfamiliar face. Now, there was a boy who could read his mind.

"Quien eres?" Harry asked suspiciously. "Where am I? What did you do to me?" He looked at the sharp stick the boy was holding. Is that what I used to prod him with? No wonder it hurts! The end of the stick was practically sharp enough to poke a hole through his body. The boy looked at him amused. "I'm Gatekeeper! You can call me GK." The boy shook her hand vigorously. When did you get so close to me? And where did that stick go? Did it fade or something?

"As for your other questions, Harry ..." GK said slowly. The hands still haven't left Harry's. "You're on the other side of life, death. You fell ... or should I say you jumped into the Veil. And now you're dead." He said seriously.

"QUE?" Yelled Harry. Veil? He didn't remember getting into one. Why would you have to do that? That was suicide!

"It's a joke!" The boy smiled before releasing Harry's hands and Harry sighed in relief. "About the death part anyway. The others were true." He actually said.

"WHAT?" Harry screamed again. "What do you mean I jumped?!"

"Geez, there's no need to yell. I can hear you." The white haired boy said irritably. Harry lowered his head in shame. "Anyway, you decided to jump in after being betrayed by your so-called 'family' and loving 'friends'. However, it was fun to see that they tried to catch you, but at the same time they wanted to drop you. " GK chuckled. "Betrayed?" Harry's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yeah. Something about you being kidnapped when you were a kid."

"Kidnaped?" I ask. "When he was young?" His mind reeling at the words GK said. Why didn't he remember any of this then? And the boy said something about the betrayal. Did your family betray you to the Death Eaters for something? Why didn't you know about this?

"That's because they did something to you. Your mind mostly." GK said.

"My mind?" Harry asked incredulously. "No, no no no no no no. You were wrong. My family loves me." He said defensively. Of course. This must be a gimmick in some way. And it is! A trick from Voldemort. How dare he ruin his dream! But somehowIn the back of his mind,

"No, Harry. I'm sorry, but this is real." GK shook his head. "I am real. You are real. We are in the veil." He said honestly. "Actually, I didn't think your mind could take it after what they did to you. You are much stronger than I give you credit for." I have smiled softly.

Harry is still reluctant to believe the boy. "How can I know that what you said is real?" He stared into the cat's eyes. "What if you are just lying?"

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