Relapse (CH: 31)

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There was a pile of papers on his desk that, unfortunately, he couldn't escape. Some were leftovers from last week's assignments and so far I had only marked a pitiful number of them. He could always be the kind of teacher who didn't bother with them. His conscience, or what was left of it, spoke differently. A cup of coffee would be nice. Or whiskey

Or both.

"That expression tells me that you are thinking of doing something particularly risky." Beverly Katz walked into the empty classroom, her eyebrows twitching suggestively. "Or crazy."

Will snorted, nodding in greeting despite the suspicion he felt at the sight of a file in his hand, and walked away from the desk. For a moment, it reminded him of teenagers. They played and prodded one's nocturnal activity with innuendo and dirty thoughts. It seems that the adults acted similarly to the children.

"If that is considered risky, I live a life full of danger."

"Aren't we all here?" Beverly teased, stopping just a couple of steps in front of the desk. "Have you eaten, Graham?"

No, he did not do it. Not that he could really think about eating if all his mind could do was wander towards the untimely arrival of the forensic scientist and the file in his hand.

Damn. Was it too much for him to ask for an uninterrupted marking day? I would only have this class in the morning. His day was practically free, except for Jack throwing this kind of shit at him. He wouldn't let Jack slip by having his schedule somewhere in that drawer of his.

"I don't want to ruin my appetite." Will already had the feeling that he would skip lunch. "Away with that."

His eyes were searching, considering. She handed him the folder, and luckily it wasn't thick. "Chris's Mental Evaluation".

"And you're giving it to me because ...?" Will asked cautiously.

"Jack wants you to see him again." If Will tried to listen carefully, he could hear the sympathy in his tone. "To see if you can find something that we missed."

"I did," Will replied evenly, "I've already submitted my full report to Jack."

"Hey, don't shoot," Beverly stepped back and held up her hands in surrender. "I'm just the messenger. Any complaints you can take to the man above. Or HR."

Will opened the folder with a defeated sigh. "Nobody goes there anyway."

"Nobody wants an agent who breaks down quickly under pressure," Beverly hummed, making herself comfortable on the edge of the table. "I hear they are busy with sexual harassment complaints. Nothing major. A little about the power game." She smiled. "It's all about sex, except sex. Sex is about power."

He snorted, skimming the papers absently. Chris seemed better. At least from what he had gathered in the report. The information was strangely detailed. Too detailed indeed ...

"Are they legal?"

"Well the world is not painted in black and white if that's what you're asking."

"This area of ​​gray is a shade darker." Will tapped on the mess of papers.

"You know what Jack is like. His obsession with criminals does more good than harm." Beverly waited a moment. "Usually."

"What you think?" Will asked instead, pointing to Chris's report in general. "About all this."

"I think," Beverly said slowly, "Jack's paranoia has its own merits." Will raised his eyebrows questioningly. "The crime was a bit suspicious."

"Do you think foul play?"

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