Risk (CH:19)

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Enjoy the chapter.

"Do you know what you have to do?"

"... yes."

There was a moment of silence.

"Tell me what you will do with that sword, that keychain."

"When you have come out of the bathroom, I will use the sword in my hand to cut my penis. I am not allowed to make any sounds or scream."

"What if you do?"

"I'll bite my tongue."

" And so?"

"I'll open the door and tell the first person I meet to call the police."

"Well, you will never remember our conversation or our meeting when I walked away. If anyone asks, say that you are a crazy, sick and disgusting bastard."

"... yes."

He went outside. I heard a soft click. He felt the emotions spreading within him like thousands of snakes spiraling, lashing and biting. He remembered to laugh. She remembered the tears, the need: the scent of her blood just below her nose mixed with the thick copper that hung in the air, permeating strongly, coming from behind the closed door. He remembered cleaning the blood.

He remembered exhaustion.

He remembered struggling to stand up. He remembered getting lost in the hall. Someone had found him, a young woman. Nice strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. She dragged him away, very, very far from that man. She was nice.

He remembered his question but didn't remember the answers.

She led him into a room. Children were lying motionless on the floor. He thought they were dead. They were not. They were just sleeping.

The nice young woman told him to lie down. He did. She was smiling, her mouth fell open as if she were saying something, but he didn't hear anything, so he closed his eyes.

He remembered the many sounds of heartbeat in the room, soft breathing. He remembered that he became one with sound.

He remembered sleeping.

He remembered waking up.

There was a scream. High pitched. Loud and long and echoed through the room like an endless tunnel. Strident and strident. It was a familiar tone.

Henrikas opened his eyes between one breath and the next. The darkness greeted him along with the faint scent of lavender with an earthy taste. He inhaled deeply. There was a hint of blood under them as well. Unconsciously, he let out a satisfied sigh.

He vaguely remembered being rudely awakened by his nightmare. Lost and confused, he had searched for something that could ease his fear and anchored his thinking to the real world. He was embarrassed that it had been Hannibal's coat. Judging by the soft mattress underneath him and not by the cold, hard carpet he had fallen asleep on, Henrikas realized that in a moment Hannibal had returned and laid him on the bed.

Which meant the older cannibal had seen him curling up his coat.

A soft breath that was not his disturbed his reflection. Her heart raced for a moment, searching for the source as she hoped her eyes would adjust to the poorly lit room. There was a shadowy bundle in front of him.

No, not in front of him, through him.

Fear crept up beside him before he realized that the bulk was Hannibal.

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