The Awakening (CH:3)

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Harry fidgets in his seat as he looks at the boy, his child form, who sits across from him. After his toddler self managed to scare him half the shit, the younger form had shifted the stage to a place more acceptable than the gloomy darkness they had been and gestures for him to sit down. Still, it made the teenager nervous that the boy still didn't say anything after their strange exchange of greetings. Well, I never thought being with yourself was so awkward ...

The half-creature boy looked at him calculatedly before tilting his head to the side. Silky black hair and porcelain skin made the boy look ethereal and fragile at the same time that Harry would have mistaken him for a life-size doll if he didn't move. His eyelashes were long, bright electric green eyes that were greener than hers glowing in the dark. Strange markings that cover his slim body, making him appear somewhat exotic. If it weren't for the dangerous-looking claws and teeth, Harry would have thought it was an angel. Little horns rested on his head and there ... were those ears? Is it coming out of your head? Deer ears? Harry blinked. Huh, that was unexpected.

"Uh, what are we doing here?" Harry asked when he could no longer bear the silence. The boy just keeps looking at him and dares to say that the action scared him a bit. But, it seems like you don't have to wait long, as your son decided to speak up.

"Waiting." The boy testified on a matter of fact.

"For what?" Harry asked dumbfounded.

"To you, of course." Harry frowned. Wait for him? His confusion must have shown on his face because the half creature spoke. "Your decision. Whether you really want your memories back or not." Harry sighed. Not this again! Even GK had said the same. Why did it seem like everyone (including his true self) was so against him to recall his repressed memories?

"I'm not against that." The boy spoke and surprised Harry because it was what he was thinking. How is it that GK and his son can read his mind? It's not fair! The boy suddenly laughed, laughed. "That's because I'm you, remember. And GK is special." The boy got up and walked over to Harry. The boy moves gracefully, Harry thought. "I said I've been waiting for you for so long." He stopped when his scratched hand crawled up Harry's soft cheek. He pushes it a little and a little blood stain comes out. Harry winced when the boy proceeded to lick his cheek before smiling.

"Delicious." Harry's mouth fell open. What the hell ?! This is very wrong in many ways. Harry winced when he felt another hand on his face, but then the feeling faded and when he opened his eyes, his younger self had sat down again. As if nothing had happened. Well that's too creepy for my liking.

"If you decided to recover your memories, we will merge. Together. It becomes one. Body and soul. As we were supposed to be." The boy said suddenly. Her melodious childish voice is so soft that Harry thought it suited the half creature very well.

The boy looked at him, amused by his skittish human being in front of him. But, he wouldn't blame him, after all, the teenager is himself. Your human. It was the bastards who murdered his family that made it so. Confident, skinny, and manipulated, like a puppet on a string after every move the puppeteer wanted him to be. He growled at the recall of past memories of them abusing his body and was forced to look into the back of his mind, helpless as he was chained to him. He was glad that he had managed to leave those disgusting humans and euphoric that somehow, when his human jumped into the Veil, a being helped him regain his memories. He smiled dangerously at the thought that he might be outside again if the teen decided to proceed with his decision. "So what is he going to?"

Harry blinked his eyes. His creaturely being is driving him crazy! But he knows because he is not what he appears to be. It was because his mind is prying for them. The teenager licked his lips nervously. "Yo quiero." Harry's eyes changed to the boy's. "Why are you in that shape?" He asked the first question that came to mind as soon as his eyes fell on the boy. "I mean, why not in our teenage form? Just like me. We're seventeen years old, right?"

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