Of the violin and violence (CH:6)

352 16 15


Henrikas breathes a sigh of suffering. The old white shirt was covered in dried blood. He had changed to his human form after arriving at his shelter, as he wanted to preserve his energy.

He understood that it was not every day that he would find a fresh corpse lying on the ground in the middle of the road at night. In fact, the probability of it happening is only one in a thousand, and thankfully it was that night. I saved his life, for that he was eternally grateful. Still, that also means that if the lady is eaten, he will have no rations left, which would leave him in a tight spot.

So that means I can't eat it whole. I have to save something to eat in the future, assuming it will be days, maybe weeks, before I can find other foods.

He watches the fire crackle and the parts of the woman's body - arms and legs, which she was starting to roast not too long ago. Henrikas had cut it into smaller pieces to speed up the cooking of the meat to cook properly. Stabbing it with a sharp stick, he was delighted when he realized it was almost ready. Beside him lies the unfortunate woman's body without her limbs, her blood already dry in the cold night wind. He had left the woman in her clothes, not that he was disturbed by a woman's naked body, but that he was too hungry at the time and simply cut off her arms and legs. Well ... she can't use them anymore, after all, she's already died.

Henrikas moved slightly after a few minutes before pulling the meat off the fire. His stomach rumbles loudly. The billowing smoke left the pleasant aroma of roast beef in the air, and he drools as he cuts the meat and sees that the juicy, tender meat cooks very well. Knowing that the food will be too hot for your preference, wait for it to cool down a bit in the cold air before taking a bite. The taste of sweet, juicy meat immediately exploded in her mouth after putting the meat inside, and she can't help a moan of pleasure escaping her small mouth.

He chews slowly, savoring the slight spice flavor of the herb that he had added before grilling. Licking his fingers with satisfaction, he grabs another limb to devour when he finishes consuming the previous one.

In a matter of minutes, he finished eating the female limbs, leaving only the bones, and is surprised when he is still hungry, although it was not as bad as before. You are not in immediate danger from the hunger you felt in your stomach, just a simple discomfort and you can live with it.

Looking at the immobile body, he thinks about how to keep the meat for longer because he knows that it is difficult for him to hunt. As useful as GK's gift is to him, he cannot produce a refrigerator, and there is a fact that there is no electricity around here. For what seems like a thousand times, he felt the irritation inside him grow, due to what he cannot do now, thanks to his agile body.

The half creature plays with his shirt absently, deep in thought. Is there a way to preserve the meat? To last several weeks? Her face wrinkled in a cute way, trying to find the alternative as she looked at the corpse. The silence continues for a second before he stands up: his face lights up, as if Christmas has come early when a sudden idea occurs to him. A brilliant one.

I could make it last longer if I make it jerky! A human jerky.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she struggled to remember how to make jerky from one of the books she had read a long time ago and she wept in triumph when she remembered the steps. You have to peel the skin and cut the fat layer off the meat first before slicing it thinly. Then you need to grill the meat over low heat for a few hours, to make sure all the water inside is dry. It will take time, but he knows it will be worth it. He idly wonders if he could add some spices along the way ...

How he wished he had the right seasonings and spices right now. Sure, he saves all kinds of herbs that he found, but it was limited and it was mostly wound herbs - they don't taste nice to mix with food. He was getting tired of trying the same flavor for the past few weeks.

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