Trick or Treat (CH:29)

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General warning: oaths, child abuse in the past, mention of rape, court, cannibals, dark creatures.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter and Hannibal series.


When the silhouette of Miss Thompson's car disappeared from view, so did her smile. Snorting, Henrikas entered the house, leaving Hannibal at the entrance. The lingering scent of the social worker's perfume irritated Henrikas even more. Because the perfume was really nice. The last thing he wanted was to associate the woman with something nice.

She wondered if she could persuade Hannibal not to let her in the house next time.

"You shouldn't show that kind of expression in front of guests," Hannibal commented softly as he entered the living room, collected the used cups and placed them on a tray.

"What kind of expression?"

"As if you were about to rip out his vocal cords."

Henrikas frowned and subconsciously touched her face, wondering if he had slipped his intention in front of the woman before dismissing the idea. He crossed his arms. "If you stop bothering us, I'll think about it, and I didn't show you this kind of face."

He was sure of it. Hannibal was just being ... Hannibal again.

"Why did you show such hostility towards Miss Thompson?" Hannibal questioned without any particular inflection in his voice. "You do realize that this visit is for your own well-being, right?"

"I don't need your help," Henrikas said, trimmed and irritable. Frowning, he added, "I'll ask you if I need to."

Henrikas blushed at the doubtful look the psychiatrist had given him.

"You have to commend her dedication, Herkus," chided the older cannibal, "after all, she is doing what is required of her."

He was still dissatisfied with that kind of reasoning. Henrikas was happy living with Hannibal. There was no need to investigate his ... living arrangement.

"So does that mean you praise Mr. Crawford's dedication as well? Because he's doing his job too?"

Even if said work seemed to weigh heavily on Will.

Henrikas frowned, puzzled, as he looked at Hannibal's back after the older cannibal gave him a noncommittal smile at his question.

Just a few days ago, the psychiatrist had invited the Crawfords to dinner. They had no children of their own, so only Mr. and Mrs. Crawford attended. Perhaps Hannibal wanted to become familiar with the Boss, or it could be that Hannibal just wanted to socialize.

Henrikas doubted that was the case with the latter.

Despite living for months with the psychiatrist, Henrikas still didn't understand Hannibal's goal at times. Reading Hannibal was like trying to see beyond the stillness of the water, waiting for something to appear in the lurking darkness only to see the reflection of oneself on the surface.

Henrikas turned away from his musings on the Crawfords and what Hannibal's intention towards them might mean when a plate of fruit slid in front of him. Absently he grabbed a fork and stabbed a piece of peach; his thoughts were going nowhere, anyway. His initial annoyance for the female disappeared without a trace as the cold, sweet meat entered his mouth. He hummed in satisfaction. Piercing another piece of fruit, Henrikas suddenly remembered something and quickly moved into the kitchen.

Gaining Innocenceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें