The Reunion (Part I) (CH:4)

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In this chapter, there will be a flashback on the rape. Nothing too strange, yes. Therefore, you can skip that part if you are not comfortable with it. Hell, even I feel uncomfortable! But again, this is fiction, yes?

To all those who review, prefer, follow and read this fic, THANK YOU! You don't know how much it means to me.

General warning : oaths, child abuse in the past, mention of rape.

Couple : Hannibal / Will

Disclaimer : I do not own the Harry Potter and Hannibal series

Chapter 4: The reunion (Part I)

Henrikas wiped the sweat that began to drip from his forehead, a dead rabbit hanging loosely from his other bloody hand. The poor mammal had unexpectedly become his dinner today when he fell into the trap he had set around the forest. As soon as it got close, it had killed him in one hit. Quick death. The warm brown fur was spoiled with red around the neck, like a wedge necklace dangling from it. Blood drips from his arm, but the boy doesn't care as he returns to his shelter. The sound of broken branches accompanies him as he walks, his light blue shirt was stained with blood and hunting mud. Once he entered the clearing, Henrikas reverted to his human form. He put away the corpse before leaning his body near a river to wash his face.

Almost two weeks have passed since his arrival in the new world. Henrikas had more or less adjustments to his routine: waking up in the morning, bathing, setting traps, and exploring the forest. He practices to transform into his full animal form when he realizes that each time he does it, it becomes easier for him. What GK said about the creature's animal form is smaller and sleeker, it's true. His coat is smooth and black with a dark blue tint, certainly no other deer has the same color as him. Their little horns are pure white and sharp like a claw, and their jade-colored eyes remain the same. It was a surprise to learn that when in his animal form, he can understand what the deer is saying. When he heard a soft voice asking about his well being from an old female, he was amused. He had made friends with the young deer, fawns, here and let's just say that after spending his time with the company, he didn't have the heart to kill them. Come on! That's like cannibalism! - although he's a cannibal. But he had no trouble eating them, however. Just murder.

And he knows he has a much bigger problem than that. The creature has to eat, preferably human flesh, to stay alive, especially a young man, who now had is. And it's been two weeks (that he knows of), but no human flesh had ever been digested in his stomach. Not yet. He guessed that he could probably endure hunger much longer than a Creature his age, not thanks to kidnappers who only feed him once a month as a child and once every six months as a teenager. The meat of the rabbit can only satisfy him and cannot quell the hunger within him. Should I take a chance and kill a passerby? "Henrikas shook his head. No. Definitely wouldn't do that. He is not a murderer or a murderer per se. It's just a quarter cannibal looking for something: someone to eat. Maybe a selective type of people? Like a criminal? Kidnapper? Hmm, maybe, but then how can you catch them? It's not that they just walk through the woods here and then, it was like a chance in a million. Should I steal a corpse from a crime scene? No, risked getting caught. His rumbling stomach brought him to reality. That can wait, for now we are going to settle for what I have. Roast rabbit


~ X ~

Henrikas grimaced as he stripped off his dirty clothes, the movements apparently aggravating his still healing wounds. It seems that when he somehow reverted to his child form, his wounds from earlier also appeared with him, just like a free pack you get when you buy something from the market. But he absolutely didn't want this free package, but it's not like he has anything to say about it. Dark bruises adorning his pale skin, old scars ran down his torso and he knew there were more on his back: welts, gifts from James every time he did something wrong. It was a very horrible thing to see him in the body of a child, but Henrikas had gotten used to him doing nothing but blink, like when he did with GK.

Gaining InnocenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora