Visit (CH:28)

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Henrikas ended up staying in the hospital for one more day, something about putting him under observation after having such a high fever and being anemic. The hospital is not a place you would like, who is it? And he didn't complain about the smell either. Being admitted to one was similar to entering a minefield for Henrikas as his body was a bit ... different. With his strange blood tests and all the other tests he underwent, he was concerned that someone would notice that he was not exactly human.

So, it was a huge relief when he was released.

Of course, Hannibal looked at him strangely after reading a scrap of paper clipped from a board that hung at the end of his hospital bed: his medical history, the older cannibal had said. Henrikas wasn't quite sure what this was all about. But since the older man didn't say anything to him, Henrikas didn't think much of it either. Hannibal was just weird sometimes.

Coming home, his home, was a novel experience.

He had prepared himself, mentally and physically, to leave the house of the older cannibal, as he did not expect to return to that place before his emotional collapse (more like pouring out his sincere concerns and insecurities), but his ... his answers had thrown immediately your initial idea away.

Henrikas didn't want to live alone, he wanted to stay.

And they left it.

His promise had excited and scared Henrikas to the core.

Hannibal wasn't someone who would freely give away a promise if he didn't mean it, so far his mind was of no use to him, and while Henrikas wasn't sure of Will, empathy was someone he trusted to some degree.

Despite the gamble, which was not really favorable on his part if he was going to lose, Henrikas stuck to that promise.

A loud blow shook Henrikas from his muse. A book had fallen to the ground in his daze. He reached down and picked it up, placing the book on the correct shelf, mindful of the titles so as not to confuse its category. Yesterday, he had borrowed several books when he was getting bored resting in bed. Hannibal didn't care. Henrikas finished returning the books to their proper places before re-entering his room.

Henrikas considered him distant, but his sudden increase in nervousness prompted him to make his bed and tidy up a bit here and there. When he started fluffing the pillows on the couch, he stopped and frowned, feeling ridiculous. His actions were absurd and a little out of control.

Only Alejandro visited him, why was he acting like such a fussy human about it?

He was still shocked when he received a message from the young man who intended to visit him, but that surprise immediately turned into suspicion when Hannibal agreed.

Was Hannibal supposed to be returned to a stranger?

Of course, Alejandro was a friend, but he was his friend. Not from Hannibal.

Fortunately, his friend was quite an educated and interesting person; otherwise, he would be one of the candidates at the table. Hannibal probably wouldn't kill children of his own choosing, but who's to say that Alexander might not become one of his targets in the future. Henrikas hated to admit that he would probably be upset with Hannibal if he killed Alexander.

In truth, Henrikas was waiting for the boy's visit.

It had been a while since she had last seen him. He was the only human child he could tolerate, and his knowledge of things usually amused Henrikas enough. He was bored. Confined to the house for the past three days had made him restless, but he couldn't exactly get out after the last incident. Hannibal was looking, however, for another babysitter for him. There wasn't much luck so far.

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