Control (CH:25)

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I'd like to remind you that this fic is long, so you will get more questions in the early chapters (yes, this is somewhere in the middle, not there yet, which means it's still early I guess). Read on and you will get your answers! XD

CJ Lincoln, one of the conjectural kidnappers from his young post, was maneuvered into an ambulance by unstable limbs of a deranged medical technician. A tyro, Hannibal deduced.

The skin on the teenager's face was thoroughly disfigured and Hannibal had taken a brief moment to appreciate the crude art of amateur hand arousal. Unsophisticated for Hannibal's taste, but quite satisfying to watch.

Glancing at the two black body bags, CJ Lincoln was lucky to be alive. Some would argue, of course, but Hannibal deviated. It would be an amazing feat if the adolescent managed to survive beyond the shock and trauma that would undoubtedly emanate during the time of their treatment.

CJ Lincoln wouldn't be alive when they had his body on the cold, sterile steel of a surgery table.

The only salvation that kept the boy breathing was only from his state of shock, fear (Hannibal could smell his urine), and a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. Dopamine depletion, recruited pain sensation, sensory overloaded, the fate of the hijacker of his cargo would suddenly plunge into the abyss until he could no longer crawl back to the land of the living.

A merciful ending, one would say.

Hannibal couldn't decide whether to be satisfied or irritated by the result. One step too late, it seems. He would have liked to take his time dismantling CJ Lincoln. No part of his anatomy was worthy enough to be consumed by him or Herkus.

There was still another young male, Christopher O'Halloran, who was affiliated with the hijacking of his post. Although observing his state of mind, Hannibal did not think that the end result would satisfy him. A shame

Hannibal reflected on how this scene came to life when his investigation hadn't even considered the idea of ​​Eva Shannon killing her "children" without being directly confronted by authorities. Was she deluding herself into having a family portrait due to the stress of losing one of her "children"?

It was intriguing, especially when he added the presence of Herkus into the equation.

Did the little cannibal intervene in the situation?

How could the child influence Eva Shannon's action?

"We - they found a coat," Will spoke in a clipped, sharp and tense tone, as soon as he emerged from the booth with a haunted look. "They ... need to identify if it's from Herkus."

Apprehension would be the first feeling that would be associated with that statement if it weren't for the fact that Hannibal had just found fresh little footprints outside the cabin heading towards the deepest part of the forest. It made him wonder if old Jack knew how incompetent his men were.

Hannibal did not disclose on that particular piece of information - yet. He was curious to see how the FBI's job would play out. Not for long, of course, not when the cost of his young, errant position was at stake. It was a tempting idea indeed, but Hannibal preferred that they find his little cannibal soon.

If the coat were truly yours, your child would be wandering the cold, dark forest without the proper clothing. Herkus could get sick as a result.

Hannibal's lips narrowed at the idea.

"Show me."

When the familiar dark wool coat was offered, Hannibal felt a trace of dismay. Herkus was unique in the way of novelty that had left Hannibal intrigued — at times mild exasperation — by the tangibility of the enigma the little cannibal had so tantalizingly imparted.

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