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author's note: ahhh omg chapter 1 here we go! I hope you guys like it :)

before we start, I want to mention that I began writing this in October 2020 when I just wanted to make a short story and didnt take it as serious so the beginning of the book isn't as well written as the later chapters. it gets better! srry in advance.



It is my fifth year coming to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and I can't be any more excited. As a fifth year, things feel as comfortable as they can be. By now, I have memorized every nook and cranny of Hogwarts. At least those that needed to be known of. Being at Hogwarts also means I get to reconnect with Harry, Ron, and Hermione again. My best friends. The only three people that actually understand me. The only three people that I feel could never betray me. The only three people I would take an unforgiven spell for. Although we sent letters to each other throughout the summer, the ability to see their fresh faces every September 1st is what I look forward to the most.

I stand alone at Platform 9 3/4 with my trolley that has multiple trunks labeled 'KJA' and my barn owl, Weebles. I Impatiently wait for my friends as I watch the other students board onto the platform through the wall. I hear Harry in the distance.


Just as I see Harry and Hermione head my way, the Hogwarts Express train rolls up on its tracks. It was hard to hear them over the first year students piling into the platform and the billowing smoke and deep roar of the scarlet steam engine.

As the train came to a stop, Harry and Hermione catch up with me and we board on. Oddly, I don't see Ron anywhere, which worries me because he was always with at least one of us.

"Holy cricket, Kinley! I missed you so much! How are you? How was your summer?" She swings her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly.

"Chaotic, like always," I sigh, hugging her back. "I was alone in my room for the most part. My parents argued almost every other week and my brother just seemed very distant from me this year. He claims I am too 'hard-headed' of a person to be around."

I toss my trunks onto the racks above the seats of the compartment and place Weebles' cage on the empty part of the seat next to me. I sit back down and look out the window towards the few people rushing onto the train.

"Oh... that's not so brilliant, yeah?" Harry's eyes droop. A slight frown appearing on his face as if he understands and feels my exact situation. Which he does.

Kind of.

"Vernon and Aunt Petunia have been pissing me the fuck off, and their little Ickle Diddykins", he mocks in Petunia's voice, "is still their bloody pride and joy." He pauses for a moment, gripping his wand and narrowing his eyes. "They think I'm scared of them. It fucking drives me mad."

"I am so sorry Harry," Hermione sympathizes, giving Harry a comforting rub on his back. "They treat you like — like a caged animal, it's completely inhumane! Honestly, you need to get out of there," she says with a slight hiss. "You as well, Kinley."

"Yeah, things have definitely been better for the both of us," I mumble. "I'm just so sick of everything being so shitty all of the time but... I am so relieved to be with you both again, I missed you guys," I pull them onto either side of my shoulder, wrapping my arms around their necks as I give them a hug.

"We missed you too, Kinley," they respond simultaneously.

From across the train, I see a group of red heads running through the corridor to make it in time for boarding. One of them scurries over to our private compartment and sits across from me. The corners of my mouth rise, but I can't help but notice the raw slash on the boy's cheekbone.

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