(Final) Author's Note

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Well... this is it! After what feels like forever, the Transformers Prime series is complete! It honestly feels surreal, and I have no idea how the time actually flew by. It feels like just a few days ago I was first posting the chapters to the first book, not knowing if anyone would actually like it or even read it. And now... well, I can safely say these stories have reached tons of people:
- Scars Don't Heal has 183k reads and 5.65k votes
- The Power Within has 59k reads and 2.32k votes
- The Final Hope has 21.3k reads and 1.11k votes
- A New Dawn has 6.95k reads and 477 votes

Those numbers are... I don't even know what to call them. They're nothing I could have ever imagined in a million years. I've gotten so many kind comments and messages from so many of you about my writings, and it literally makes me overjoyed to know how much this series means to you.
That being said, I have and will until the end of time thank you all so so so much for reading this series. It would be nowhere without each and every one of you. I owe these stories' success to you, and I will be forever grateful. From putting up with my lousy posting schedule and being patient when I took long breaks, and then still reading my story with the same excitement... it means everything to me, truly. So, for the millionth time, thank you.
Now, where do we go next? I'm not planning on creating anymore Transformers Prime books, but I will be continuing the One Shots book, so don't say goodbye to Amanda and the gang forever. I'm also not really planning on editing the books anytime soon, because it's not exactly my cup of tea. I am thinking about creating a Star Wars the Clone Wars series just like this one, which my own character involved, but that's still in the works. As of right now, I'm going to be focusing on brainstorming and trying to create a book where I can be a more reliable and organized writer, and also improve on my writing. Still, if you have any ideas for TFP one shots or for new books, feel free to let me know!
  Alright, I think that's all from me. Just want to thank you all again for making the Transformers Prime series into the beautiful work it is today. Seriously, you are the greatest.

Until next time!! ❤️❤️❤️

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