Chapter I

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"Two more laps."

"Halfway there!"

"One more!"


"Gotcha!" 16 years old Camila thought to herself as she finished her laps for the day.


"Sir!" Camila said as she jogged towards the teacher.

"Good timing kid, you're 15 seconds faster than last week. Pretty good stamina you got there." The brunette smiled as she felt proud of herself.

"Damn Chancho, you need to teach me how you improve day by day." Dinah panted out as she reached Camila.

"You did good as well Hansen, 9 seconds earlier than last week's record." The Gym teacher smiled as he pats both girls.

"Alright! Go freshen up and go home!" Students from their class said their goodbyes as they headed to the shower room.

"We're lucky gym class is our last period." Dinah said as she walked alongside the Latina.

"I think so to." Camila responded as she looked at the bleachers, smiling when she saw a familiar green eyes.


"Sorry what?" The brunette said as she shook her head.

"You're fantasizing about Styles again?" Dinah chuckled as Camila shook her head.

"I certainly was not!"

"Sure, keep telling yourself that." The Polynesian laughed as they entered the shower area.

"Pretty fast for a nerd." Camila ignored the comment and went to the last booth to take a shower.

"You go ahead Cheechee, I'll watch over your clothes." The brown-eyed girl smiled as Dinah nodded. She was used to being made fun of, or bullied. The brunette didn't really mind the jokes they make for her, she didn't care at all. For her, Karma is always just around the corner. Camila has always the quiet smart kid in class, she's used to being in the star sections along with different smart students like hers. Apparently, she was that quiet kid who lived in a house away from the neighborhood. Some students from the lower sections used that fact to their advantage in teasing the brunette, but she never really paid attention to it.

"Your turn." Dinah said as she got out the booth. The Polynesian always had her back, Threatening and scaring jerks that had been mocking the brunette. Dinah was originally from Los Angeles, but needed to move in Miami due to her grandmother's illness. She was the eldest daughter and the emphatic one who agreed to stay with her for as long as she needed. Both girls met each other during their enrollment period for freshmen year and instantly clicked. The younger one's grandmother happened to know Sinuhe, Camila's mom. Camila had the Polynesian's back when it comes to academics, while Dinah had the Latina's back in the field of extra curriculars.

"So? Did you contact Aunt Sinu?" The Polynesian asked as the brunette got out the shower.

"I did, she'll be here in a few minutes." Camila said as she dried her hair with her towel. The duo walked out the shower room when Camila bumped into a student from another section.

"Watch it nerd!" The boy said as he entered the girl's shower room. While the brunette sighed and picked up her notebooks from the ground.

"You watch it!" Dinah exclaimed as she crumpled the boy's shirt in a fist.

"I was kidding man. Chill!" He nervously explained as he raised his hand.

"You better be." The Polynesian said through gritted teeth before violently pushing him off.

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