North America (part 1): Alabama colonies and tribes

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We all know about the US right? As seen on the maps.

As the results are that since 3 key species/races of extinct humans that were extinct have return

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As the results are that since 3 key species/races of extinct humans that were extinct have return. They are the Homo erectus, Neanderthals and Paleoindians. In which the Paleoindians once roamed America, they went extinct as Neanderthals died out in Europe and Homo erectus in Asia. For this chapter will be focus with the tribes and colonies of Alamaba (the other states and Canada will be mentioned in next chapters). Neanderthals (some of them) moved north towards Alaska and Canada (which they might colonized Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and other states up north where it snows), Homo erectus move to places like Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida (as they would also colonized Oregon, California, Montana, Alaska and most of the Western Region), along with Central and South America, and the Paleoindians rather recolonized the Americas in all of the states and countries in North, South and Central America.

Alabama colonies and tribes description: ever since the de extinct humans colonized the Americas, they started to make themselves at home.

Locations of their homes: the forests and national parks of the state. 

Homes: mostly huts.

Colonists: Paleoindians.

Animals they tamed: American alligators, red wolves, gray foxes, bobcats and otters; depending on where they live.

Game they hunt: iguanodons, struthiomimus, mastodons, four species of rabbits, beavers, muskrats, nutrias, fallow deer, elk, whitetail deer, wild boars and bison.

The only reason why the state of Alamaba is one of the few states to have the most Paleoindians (despite colonizing all of the Americas) is because the biomes are much suitable for them to build homes and hunt game. As the Homo erectus and Neanderthals do live along side them though. The only reason why  Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North and South Dakota, Tennessee and a few parts of Arkansas are the perfect for the most tribes and colonies is because they can thrive there. Not to mention they would also colonized the North and South.

In the North, they would colonized with the Neanderthals and with the the Homo erectus in the Western Region and Hawaii. As they would also colonized all of the Eastern. As they would do well to in their new homes, as long as it is no where near a town, city, railroad or any other public place. It would also be possible for them to live near farms as well.

Guide to Colonies and Tribes of de extinct humans of the Americas.Where stories live. Discover now