Washington tribes and colonies

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Descriptions: this is a very big state to have caribou/reindeer. The result is that the native tribes are able to make massive colonies and tribes. As it is also another state to have all de-extinct human species all together and to hunt a lot of game.

Homes: caves, abandoned buildings, dwellings and shelters.

Locations of their homes: Olympic Mountains, Cascade mountains, national parks, forests and grasslands.

Colonists: Paleoindians, Neanderthals, Homo erectus, Homo Heidelbergensis, Homo floresiensis, Cro-magnons and Homo Ergaster.

Animals they tamed: Cascade Mountain wolves, dire wolves, gray wolves, wolverines, bone crushing dogs and primordial dogs.

Game they hunt: Jeffersonian mammoths, Columbian mammoths, mastodons, woolly mammoths, wild turkeys, woolly rhinos, ancient bison, steppe bison, longhorn bison, rocky mountain goats, bighorn sheep, whitetail deer, caribou, moose, stag moose, mule deer, elk, pronghorns, megaloceros, steppe mammoth and aurochs. 

This is the first time ever there is a lot of the most game for them to hunt. The result is they are able to tame Cascade Mountain wolves. Not to mention the first time they are taming wolverines!

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