New Jersey tribes and colonies

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Descriptions this is very tight as well for the tribes and colonies that live here.

Homes: caves, huts and shelters.

Locations of their homes: grasslands, forests and national parks.

Colonists: Paleoindians, Neanderthals and Homo Heidelbergensis.

Animals they tamed: sea minks, red and gray foxes, iguanodons, beavers and bone crushing dogs.

Game they hunt: whitetail deer, gallimimuses, mastodons, stag moose and megaloceros.

This is the first time ever that they are now taming the now de-extinct sea minks. Every since the seas minks had first been reintroduce to the Eastern United States and introduce to the Western United States, laws were starting to protect them. Henceforth the de extinct humans were starting to hunt the agile prey as well.

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