Arkansas colonies and tribes

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Descriptions: this is also one of the places that the Paleoindians completely recolonized. Along with the fact that wolves are absent here.

Location of their homes: mostly in Hot Springs National Park.

Homes: dwellings and caves.

Colonists: Paleoindians.

Animals they tamed: Hagerman horses; herds were obtain throughout the state.

Game they hunt: whitetail deer, struthiomimuses and feral hogs.

The reason why they only hunt 3 types of game animals is because no large ones has colonized or been reintroduced to Arkansas.  As the Homo erectus were going to colonize there, but the Paleoindians beat them there. In which they do well to avoid the hot springs. They only go there to make "love", but don't ask would it looks like. Not to mention that they like to be near rivers like the Red River, White River, Arkansas river and many other freshwater habitats. The activities they would do is play, swim, skinny dip, love activities (you don't wanna know what do they look like), splash, drink and bathe. 

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