New York tribes and colonies

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Descriptions: this a very tight spot as well. In which the Paleoindians and Neanderthals have managed to to reach the state of New York.

Homes: dwellings, caves and shelters.

Locations of their homes: Long Island, national parks, forests and grasslands.

Colonists: Paleoindians and Neanderthals.

Animals they tamed: raccoons, dire wolves, red foxes, giant lynxes, bone-crushing dogs, black dholes, coydogs, primordial dogs, feral dogs, otters, bobcats and weasels. 

 Game they hunt: whitetail deer, mastodons, megatheriums, moose, ornithomimids, shovel boars, okapi goats, giant tapirs, imperial elks, woolly tapirs, stag moose, woolly gaurs, chalicotheriums, subhyracodons, teleoceras and megaloceros.

This is the first time that there are chalicotheriums within the states as well. Henceforth, they were able to head to Long Island and settled there. The result was that they were able to venture in New York City.

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