Nebraska tribes and colonies

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Descriptions: the de-extinct humans have finally colonized where the water is. The result is that there is plenty of water.

Homes: caves, huts and shelters.

Locations of their homes: nearby the rivers, forests, national parks and grasslands.

Colonists: Paleoindians,  Homo Heidelbergensis and Homo floresiensis.

Animals they tamed: red, swift and gray foxes, river otters, bobcats, bone crushing dogs, dire wolves and primordial dogs.

Game they hunt: Columbian mammoths,  elk, pronghorns, bison, bighorn sheep, mule deer, whitetail deer, iguanodons, kudu deer and shovel buffalo.

This is the first time ever they are also taming swift foxes as well. In which the result is that they are also getting good at hunting everything.

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