Wyoming tribes and colonies

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Description: this is another big state to have all of the most game.

Homes: caves, abandoned buildings, shelters, dwellings and huts.

Locations of their homes: national parks, forests, grasslands and mountains.

Colonists: Paleoindians, Neanderthals, Homo erectus, Homo Heidelbergensis, Homo floresiensis, Cro-magnons and Homo Ergaster

Animals they tamed: wolverines, cave bears, dire wolves, gray wolves, bone crushing dogs and allosaurus.

Game they hunt: rocky mountain goats, bison, bighorn sheep, moose, elk, mule deer, pronghorns, whitetail deer, mammoths and herbivorous dinosaurs.

This is also the first time they are taming bears. Henceforth this concludes North America and to South America.

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