Oregon tribes and colonies

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Descriptions: since Oregon, California and Washington are close to the Pacific Ocean, the de-extinct humans would treat the state's beaches as nude beaches: which they like to skinny dip.

Homes: huts, dwellings, caves and abandoned buildings.

Locations of their homes: forests, grasslands, national parks, nearby the ocean and lakes.

Colonists: Paleoindians, Homo floresiensis, Cro-magnons and Homo Ergaster .

Animals they tamed: dire wolves, terror birds, bone crushing dogs and cave hyenas.

Game they hunt: Roosevelt elk, stag moose, megaloceros, desert bighorn sheep, black-tail deer, mule deer, pronghorns, steppe mammoths and mastodons.

This is the first time ever they are taming cave hyenas. The result is that they are able to hunt fast prey as well.

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