Alaskan and Canadian colonies and tribes

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Alaskan tribes and colonies:

Descriptions: when the Neanderthals moved north, they started to colonize mostly all of Alaska and Canada, along with other states that snow in. In which the Paleoindians started to follow as well.

Locations of their homes: near fishing villages, by the sea, national parks throughout the state (as long they are not anywhere near cities, villages and towns).

Homes: huts, dwellings, shelters, abandoned buildings, caves and stilt houses.

Colonists: Paleoindians, Homo erectus and Neanderthals.

Animals they tamed: Interior Alaskan wolves.

Game they hunt: Dall sheep, caribou, moose, woolly mammoths, mastodons, mountain goats, bison, sandhill cranes, salmon, trout and white sturgeons. 

In which they are adapted to cold climates as well, (not counting the Homo erectus). The Paleoindians and Neanderthals like fish, rather then go whaling. The Interior Alaskan wolves are the reasons why they wanted to hunt. Paleoindians and Neanderthals decided to tame them, as they started to mix colonies and tribes. They also don't mind the railroads, but would be careful though when a train is coming. The Alaskan government decided to devote the new arrivals to live along side them too.

Canadian tribes and colonies:

Descriptions: when they decided to move to Canada, they made themselves at home within the snowy climate. They also made boats and headed for the arctic islands.

Locations of their homes, forests, sometimes by towns or villages, grasslands and national parks.

Homes: huts, dwellings and caves.

Colonists: Paleoindians and Neanderthals.

Animals they tamed: dire wolves, feral horses, gray wolves and arctic wolves.

Game they hunt: walruses (maybe), caribou, moose, whitetail deer, elk, mule deer, wood bison, mountain goats, pronghorns, muskoxen, bighorn sheep and Dall sheep, rabbits, hares, pikas, beavers, mountain beavers, American flamingos (sometimes), mastodons, woolly rhinos, wood storks, longhorn bison, ancient bison, stag-moose, common cranes, whooping cranes and sandhill cranes.

Just like Alaska, they can thrive there as well. In which the climate is always right for them. Not to mention they would tend to live in mix colonies in the national parks here. They would live in caves like their prehistoric ancestors. If lucky, there might be mix hybrids of them called Neander-Indians. The reason why there are only woolly rhinos and mastodons is because the woolly mammoths are mostly headed up towards either Alaska or Yellowstone Park.

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