Pennsylvania tribes and colonies

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Descriptions: the de-extinct humans are able to survive in the winter climate of this state. The result is that there is plenty of things to go around.

Homes: abandoned buildings, dwellings and shelters.

Locations of their homes: MT. Davis, national parks, forests and grasslands. 

Colonists: Paleoindians, Neanderthals, Homo floresiensis, Cro-magnons and Homo Ergaster.

Animals they tamed: dire wolves and bone crushing dogs.

Game they hunts stag moose, whitetail deer, megaloceros, mastodons, steppe bison and steppe mammoths.

This is the first time ever they have two different animals tamed. In which the result is that they are able to be highly skilled with them.

Guide to Colonies and Tribes of de extinct humans of the Americas.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin