Arizona colonies and tribes

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Descriptions: within the Western Region, the Paleoindians and Homo erectus makes themselves at home. As they somehow are able to thrive through a desert climate as well.

Locations of their homes: national parks, forests and deserts. 

Homes: huts and dwellings. 

Colonists: Paleoindians and Homo erectus.

Animals they tamed: Mexican wolves, gray wolves, ocelots, margays, jaguarundis, ringtail cats and white-nosed coatis.

Game they hunt: jackrabbits, cottontails, stag-moose, elk, nutrias, beavers, bison, mule deer, pronghorns, bighorn sheep, desert bighorn sheep, feral pigs, struthiomimus, whitetail deer and collared peccaries.

In which they are tough enough to survive harsh climates as well. Arizona also has forests, as they thrive there as well. They would tend to be a little naive to everything around. Even their kids would want to play with the modern ones, but their parents wouldn't let them: due to how much changes are around them. All though they never attacked any residents, but the parents and guardians would sometimes watch their kids play with the others like normal ones do. It's possible they would venture into public parks to their kids to play (babies, teenagers and children) on the play structures out of being curious and making new friends.

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