New Mexico tribes and colonies

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Descriptions: this would be usually too hot for Neanderthals. As they are more built for colder climates then hot ones. But are starting to colonized there for the first time.

Homes: dwellings and huts made out of stone.

Locations of their homes: national parks, forests (if possible) and grasslands.

Colonists: Paleoindians, Neanderthals and Homo Heidelbergensis. 

 Animals they tamed: Mexican wolves, gray wolves, Southern Rocky Mountain wolves, smilodons, American lions, dire wolves, bone-crushing dogs, ringtail cats, white nosed coatis, primordial dogs, hyaenodons and pack devils. 

Game they hunt; Gnuboks, eland goats, gazelle goats, zebra deer, javelinas, kudu goats, imperial gaurs, gazelle sheep, sker wildebeests, Hagerman horses, camels, mule deer, bearded horses, long-horned gaurs, imperial oryxes, gazelloxes, okapi deer, shovel buffaloes, Columbian mammoths, macrauchenias, ornithomimids, tyrant wildebeests, chalicotheriums, ancient bison, imperial buffaloes and shovel boars.

This is the first non cold area where Neanderthals colonized. The result was that they'll be able to colonized further down south if lucky.

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