South Carolina tribes and colonies

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Description: this is like North Carolina, but unlike it's tribes and colonies, there is one national park they call home: Congaree National Park.

Homes: caves, abandoned buildings and dwellings.

Locations of their homes: Congaree National Park, forests, grasslands and mountains.

Colonists: Paleoindians, Homo floresiensis, Cro-magnons and Homo Ergaster.

Animals they tamed: terror birds, sea minks and bone crushing dogs.

Game they hunt: mastodons, stag moose, iguanodons, megaloceros and whitetail deer.

This is the first time ever that they are having to live in every part: including a national park. In which this where they developed their mating habits. As the later had spread throughout the Americas and other parts of the world. The mating habits had spread to those who are leaving the Americas.

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