South Dakota tribes and colonies

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Descriptions: with two national parks, there will be some advantages. The result is there is there us Mt. Rushmore.

Homes: caves, dwellings, shelters, abandoned buildings and huts.

Locations of their homes: Wind Cave National Park, Badlands National Park, Mt. Rushmore, other mountains, grasslands and forests. 

Colonists: Paleoindians, Homo Heidelbergensis and Homo floresiensis.

Animals they tamed: bone crushing dogs, terror birds and dire wolves.

Game they hunt: bighorn sheep, whitetail deer, bison, mule deer, stag moose, steppe bison, steppe mammoth, mastodons, longhorn bison, pronghorns, kudu sheep and iguanodons.

This is the first time ever they are living within the mountain ranges. The result is that the Paleoindians are very good at adaption in the badlands, since badlands are similar to deserts.

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