Mississippi tribes and colonies

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Descriptions: this is a hotspot for Asian carp, as they very scary. Henceforth, it is perfect for the de-extinct humans.

Homes: dwellings and caves.

Locations of their homes: by the rivers, forests and grasslands.

Colonists: Paleoindians, Homo erectus, Cro-magnons and Homo Ergaster.

Animals they tamed: gray and red foxes, river otters, bone crushing dogs, bobcats and nine-banded armadillos.

Game they hunt: Asian carp, swamp rabbits, marsh rabbits, whitetail deer, kudu deer, shovel buffalo and moas.

This is the first time ever with 4 kinds of de-extinct humans to be here. In which the result is they were able to tame armadillos. Not to mention that they are now starting to hunt Asian carp, so they can be controlled. Henceforth, they'll be able to eat their meat.

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