Day One - Holding Hands

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        Sitting on Craig’s bed was a tight squeeze, but they always managed to make it work. Craig sat against his headboard, focusing on a Game Boy that had long since outdated. Kenny leaned against the footboard with his eyes closed, dully listening to the noises and profanities from the other side of the bed.

            This is how they spent everyday they hung out with each other. It never really bothered either of them. Sure, they never went other went other places, but this was fine with the ebony-haired boy. The golden-haired boy was a little different.

            Kenny sat up from his part of the bed and pushed his hood down, “Why do we always stay inside?”

            “Staying inside never bothered you before.” Craig barely glanced up from the Gameboy before cursing.

            “Yeah, I know. But I guess, you know, we hang out but we never hang out. We never go out and do stuff.” Kenny pulled the Game Boy away from Craig.

            Craig huffed. “But we’re fine inside. We don’t need to be outside to hang out.”

            “If we went out, we could do more stuff than just sitting and you playing this game, and I wouldn’t have to listen to you screaming ‘fuck off’ and ‘are you shitting me’.”

            Craig snatched his Game Boy back from Kenny. “We can do that tomorrow.”

            Kenny stood up, “Fine. I’m going home then. No point in hanging out if we aren’t actually going to do something.”

            He turned to the direction of the window and started walking towards it. He twisted the latch and pulled the window open.

            His companion sat up. “Come on. You’re not actually going to leave just because we aren’t going somewhere.” He pushed himself off the bed.


            Next thing Craig knew, he was being pushed into the mall at North Park. Kenny had managed to talk him into going anyway, even though he was about to beat a high score on Super Mario.

            “C’mon, Craig,” Kenny ushered him to one of the closest stores. There wasn’t much in there Craig was interested in, so he toned out and looked over at the crossing stores.

            He toned back in a few minutes later when Kenny pointed at a different shop and laced his fingers through Craig’s.

            To be honest, they were shocked. Kenny not so much, considering he was the one who did it, but he was still surprised to find out Craig’s hand was so warm.

            Craig, on the other hand, felt a slight blush rise to his cheeks. He nodded and followed Kenny through all the other stores, gripping his hand the entire time.



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