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"Robbie, is Dad breathing?" John had moved from his side of the booth into yours pulling you close to him, he was stroking your arm reassuringly. His eyes as dark and serious as you'd ever seen them.

"I don't know Y/N," you could hear the frustration pouring into your brother's voice, tense situations made him melt down or act out. You steadied your voice, and leaned into John, taking a deep breath.

"Is his chest moving buddy?" You tried to say it as casually as you could, your voice light.

"Y/N, I can't tell, I don't know, this is really hard." Robbie's voice sounded too high, too stressed and you worried any moment he'd just stop responding to you. John squeezed your shoulder and you swallowed back fear.

"Can you put your ear next to his mouth and nose? As close as you can get Robbie, but be careful you don't move Dad okay?"

"Okay." Robbie's voice was strained, he cried too loudly. You had to get him to be quiet enough to be able to do what you were asking.

"Take a deep breath and hold it and tell me if you can feel anything tickling your ear?" Tears were streaming down your cheeks, but your voice held confidence you didn't actually feel.

"A little, it tickles a tiny bit." You exhaled the breath you'd been holding with Robbie.

"Go upstairs to the front door Robbie, I'm going to call someone to help, you'll have to let them in, stay on the phone with me. Just wait at the door and stay on the phone." Your voice shook and you felt sick but your brain kicked into gear and you knew what to do. Pulling the phone back you put your hand over the microphone looking at John.

"Robbie says Dad fell down the basement steps and he's unconscious, I need your phone, I have to call 911, but I can't ha-" you were trying to make sense but John already had his phone out. "Can you talk to Robbie while I talk to them? Keep him calm for me?" You choked back tears, as you exchanged phones.

With John's phone you dialed 911, an operator answering quickly, and you relayed what you knew from your brother. The lady on the other end stayed very calm with you even when you couldn't answer her questions, explaining your brother had special needs and wasn't going to be reliable to do any first aid, or answer any further questions. She estimated a squad was about 3 minutes away and you bit into your lip so hard you drew blood then winced at the pain. The coppery taste filled your mouth then ebbed away.

You could hear John telling Robbie about a Spiderman movie that was coming out next year, his voice serene, the softness of it calmed you too. He'd flagged down the waitress while you'd talked to the dispatcher and she'd boxed your food, and ran off to close out your check. As you both slid out of the booth, the waitress returned with John's card, and you could hear the ambulance through your phone, held to John's ear.

"Robbie, do you see those flashing lights? That's the people coming to help out your dad, can you open the door for them please? Show them where your dad is okay?" John had already begun the gentle instructions to your brother. You thanked the dispatcher, confirming their arrival, some of the tightness leaving your chest.

"Can you please let the paramedics know they can't leave my brother alone in the house? I'll meet them at the hospital we're leaving now, do you know which one?" You and John had made it to his car and he opened your door then placed your to go boxes on the backseat. The dispatcher confirmed the hospital closest to your house and promised that they would be sure to get your brother and dad there as safely as possible. You hung up the phone as John started his car.

"They are taking him to Adams County Hospital, I'll pull up directions on your phone," you clicked his screen looking for the Maps App.

"I know where it is," John extended your phone back to you, and you let his gently slip into the cup holder.

Red Room Hours with John TanWhere stories live. Discover now