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I wake up and turn my head to see Viv fast asleep. I smile at the first thing I see this morning. So beautiful. So gentle and soft. I start to turn around to come closer to her, but I'm stopped by a small little body quickly sitting up.

I chuckle at Hazel as she looks around almost startled. She came over last night to our bed. She must've been so drowsy that she doesn't seem to remember where she's at. I put an arm around her back and she looks over at me. Her smile immediately lightens up the room.


I quickly put a finger on her lips and point at Vivica. "Shh. Mommy's sleeping."

Hazel looks over at Viv and then back at me. I give her a smirk and whisper, "Do you want to do something special for Mommy?" She gives me an excited nod and I gesture for her to quietly get off the bed. I pick her up and I tip toe out the room.

"Daddy. I'm hungry."

"Great idea, Hazel," I say as I walk towards the kitchen. "Let's bring Mommy breakfast in bed." I put her on my hip and start doing breakfast for the three of us. The whole time, Hazel quietly watching my every move while putting her head on my shoulder. Every other moment, I'd give her a pancake or a little bit of grapes when her stomach growled.

Once we're done, I have her hold the flowers for me and I walk in with a large tray of various plates. I smile at Vivica still peacefully asleep. I look at Hazel that stands by my side and gesture for her to get on bed so she could put the flowers on Viv's face. She does as I trained her to do and Vivica wiggles her nose. I quietly chuckle at this as I tell Hazel to do it again. She obeys and Viv starts to sneeze. Now Hazel does a loud giggle and Vivica slowly opens her beautiful eyes.

The first thing she sees is Hazel with her small flowers. "For me?" she softly says. Hazel nods and puts a gentle kiss on her cheek like I told her to do. Vivica then looks to where I am standing and smiles. "Why if it isn't my maid? Good job."

I laugh loudly at this and go to my side of the bed. "It's funny. I think your maid may need a raise after this."

"Then let me start with this." Vivica takes my neck and gently puts a kiss on my lips. Hazel giggles at this and I say to her, "Hey. Why don't you give Mommy what we made?"

"Mommy! I made this!" Hazel takes a pancake and puts it in Vivica's hand as she sits up.

Viv takes a bite and closes her eyes with satisfaction. "Oh my goodness! This so good! Thank you, honey!" She leans in towards Hazel and she finishes it by giving her a light kiss on Viv's lips.

Hazel looks back at me and I stick out a hand for her to take. With this, we do our small prayer before eating. While we dig in, my phone buzzes on the counter and I look over to see Kitty's number. Viv raises an eyebrow and says, "What is it now?"

I shrug. "I don't know. Facility stuff?"

"Let her wait," Vivica says with a hint of annoyance. "Once we're done eating you can call her back." She gives Hazel a small piece of pancake and smiles at her, without looking back at me.

Eesh. I put the phone back on the drawer and finish up my food. Luckily, Kitty did not call back. It probably wasn't an emergency.

Once we're done, I help Hazel wash her teeth, and I switch jobs with Viv so she can change her and I do the last of the kitchen. I smile at the sound of giggles and laughter coming from Hazel's room and I'm interrupted by another buzz on the kitchen counter. I look over to see another number. The first three numbers let me know that it's from the facility. I furrow my brows at this and dry my hands to answer.


"Shaun?" I hear a quiet voice on the other end. She clears her throat a little and gently says, "Shaun. This is Sue. Or Kate. Whatever it is you call me."

She Was Like a Bright LightWhere stories live. Discover now