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I wake up and the first thing I feel is metal under my body.

I slowly sit up and it takes me a minute to realize where I am. I rub my head. I feel like I've been hit with a hammer.

I look around at the room. It's completely empty but two doors at each end of the room. I stand up and walk around. It's very cold in here. It must be because of that serum that affects my mutated genes.

My stomach rumbles hungrily and I put a hand on my abdomen. My little girl comes on my mind and my heart starts to pace. I click my tongue and I look up at the camera at the corner of this room.

I hope everything turned out just as they planned. I hope Shaun is okay...

My earpiece comes to life with Shaw's voice telling Bellamy and Nathan that they're next. My eyes then see a small icy substance slowly making its way to my feet. It goes through the metal floor and disappears. It's gooey substance makes me shiver at the memory of the duel I had with Indina.

I stand tall as I see the door open. Bellamy's dark eyes connect with mine and Nathan follows close behind. His eyes nervously look up at the camera and says, "Let's get moving. We have only a few minutes before someone—"

"Relax," Bellamy quickly interrupts him. "Keep yourself together if you don't want me to shoot you myself."

Nathan does a chuckle and gestures for me to follow them. "This way, Viv." I nod and quietly walk through an empty hallway that leads us to a small metal door.

Bellamy pushes the door open and I walk out into a deserted area. The woods stand ominously in front of me among the darkness. Soon enough, pixels start forming in the air, and there stands a small jet from the facility. Despite of how close I am to safety, our eyes keep alert as we quietly jog towards the jet. Anything can happen. Anyone can see you...

But I enter the jet safe and sound. I let out a breath of relieve as I strap myself on one of the seats and smile at Via that sits by me.

"Alright!" Bellamy says from the entry. His eyes glance towards the front where I can see just a glimpse of Arden's hair. "Take her in."

"Yes sir," he says and gives him a smirk. His eyes then land on me and says, "Sorry if it's a little bumpy. I'm still learning."

"Be careful," Via says as she closes the door of the jet entry and the jet starts to quietly rise. "She's still recovering from abdominal surgery and intestinal obstruction." Her eyes land on my belly, and her slight squint tells me that she's probably using her x-ray vision to check on me.

She gives me a small smile as she sits by my side again and takes out a small container. I hesitantly open it, and see cheese and crackers.

My stomach immediately responds to this and my mouth starts to water. I take the cheese and eat with satisfaction.

"I thought you'd be hungry," Via says in her gentle voice.

"Thank you," I say in between bites. "You saved me." Via does a small chuckle and sits back to quietly wait for us to land at the facility's jet station.

When we land, my stomach wishes I had more of those cheese bites but I stay firm as the door opens. Via is the first to fly out and gracefully land. Rhiannon then pops her head in the entry and her firmness softens when she sees me. Arden is close behind me and he quickly stops me with a grin.

"Wait. We can't trust people from the Technology Department anymore." Rihannon rolls her eyes with annoyance as he says, "How do I know it's really you?"

"Arden. Shut up and let her out. We only have five minutes."

I start to walk and he playfully holds me back. "Nope! How do I know it's really you?!"

She Was Like a Bright LightWhere stories live. Discover now