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I smile down at the fish in the clear bag beside me. "Hazel's gonna love you," I say to it.

I park the car and put my finger on the door lock. Once I'm inside, I carefully lift up the bag and smile at an empty living room. I furrow my brows at the scene. Hazel's snacks are on the couch and the television is off.

"Ladies?" I say out loud. "I'm home!"


I let my heart stay calm for right now as I walk up to Hazel's room. I look around and see nothing's changed in the hallway. When I carefully open the door, I enter to a lonely room. My eyes look around at the small items that have fallen to the ground. Hazel's small table where she does her tea parties with her toys and some chairs.

I hear a breaking sound under a step I take, and crouch down to find Viv's phone now broken. I take it and look around.

Why would she leave her phone? Where are they?

"Girls?" I say out loud again. My heart starts to pace at the silence and I go over to the semi-opened closet to see no one.

My muscles tense and my eyes immediately go to the ceiling at the hint of a shine on the corner of my eye. I drop the phone and my heart falls to the ground when I see a splash of ice. I quickly walk out of Hazel's room and walk in every room calling for them.

No one.

Panic runs through my veins now and I take out my phone to dial Kitty. I look on my screen and see a missed call from Vivica. My hands tremble and my heart screams with anger. I start out the house and into my car as the phone rings. As I race out of my parking lot, Kitty finally responds.


"Kitty. Vivica and Hazel are gone. I can't find them."

"What?! Where are you?"

"I'm leaving my house. They've been taken." These words out of my mouth make my heart break and I race faster to the facility.

"Okay. I'm on my way to announce a kidnap to Shaw. Stay calm, Shaun. They shouldn't be too far." I hang up and run out of my car with the image of Vivica's beautiful eyes and Hazel's happy smile stuck on the front of my mind.

In less then ten minutes, all the leaders are at the meeting place. I enter and shove everyone out of my way to get to Shaw. I ignore people's concerns and say, "Where are they? Do we have a location?"

"Shaun," Day says this time. "We're getting there. We don't have an exact location, but we've just sent our best pilots to fly over the enemy sections for any suspicions."

"I don't care what you're doing. I care about my family. Where are my family?!"

"Shaun." A soft hand lands on my shoulder and I look to see Kitty standing by me. "Shaun. We will find them. I promise."

"For now, we have crossed out the west side and the south," June says looking at a set of computers. "I'd say my guess is towards the East."

"That's the last time we picked up something from the White Witch," Peter says this time. Everyone give their respect as he enters along with the other royals, but I don't do any of this as I follow him to the computers; my heart urging to hold Viv and my daughter.

"Then let's go," I firmly say.

"Shaun," Shaw says this time. "You know that we don't act upon emotions here."

"We need to get my family back! And every minute that passes...." For the first time since I found out of their disappearance, my heart shatters and my body weakens. I fight back tears and say, "God knows what they're doing to them. To my girls....."

"Where's my sister?!" I turn around to see Indina and Anna frantically walking up to us. Indina shoots daggers at me and says, "Where the hell were you when they were taken?" I open my mouth to respond back, but I'm left speechless.

Once again, I fight back tears and Anna interrupts Indina's anger. "Sir. Give me permission to set out."

"No," Indina cuts her off. "I'm not letting you do that. I've lost one sister, I can't lose another. Stay here. Help the nurses and....get ready for anything."

These words stab my heart and I keep my emotions steady as I turn back to the Narnians. "What are we looking at with this witch?"

Peter clears his throat and says, "Let's hope that Vivica is not with the queen just yet. She is ruthless. We don't have anything, Day?"

Day shakes his head, but June raises a hand as she listens in her large headphones. "I think we have something." She presses a button and the message transfers to the big screen. I recognize Indie's voice over the mic along with Jay's voice. It's a little muffled, but I understand that they've found a worn-down building not that far East from the facility. No sign of life. Abandoned. No security from the outside.

"I will put in a bet that there's our first step to get your family back," Kitty says to me with a small smile.

"It better be," Indina angrily says. She gives Anna a firm nod and Anna comes up to me. Her blue eyes show that she's been crying and her voice is shaky as she says, "Get them back, Shaun. Don't give up on them. Please. Even if it's the last thing you do."

"I will," I say to her. My heart wants to make me break. I want to scream and punch someone, but I stay steady as I give her a reassuring nod. "I will get my family back and kill whomever took them."

These words can be harsh for someone like Anna, but she surprisingly gives me a firm nod and says, "Do what you have to do." With this, she leaves me and goes to John to give him one last kiss. He will be part of the group to go out to get my family. I will be a leader. I want to be first to kill the enemy and hug my girls....

"Then it's set," Shaw says firmly. Fury stands by his side as well as his soldiers get ready. "We're setting off to that building. I want Runners, Snipers, Meta humans, and people from every group ready to set out. Remember, leaders, choose your group of soldiers to set out. The rest of us will be here holding your backs. May God protect those who serve justice and protect our fellow soldiers."

"Anyone who threatens the facility or anyone from the facility will have to face our force," June says as she stands in front of the group of leaders. "Let's go get our family back!" Everyone nods and quickly step out to choose their group.

I start towards the exit and feel burning eyes at me. Indina angrily gives me one last look before disappearing among the group. I feel Kitty's hand on my shoulder and not even this sets my heart at peace. She sees my distress and firmly says, "I promise that I will do everything in my power to bring them back. You know I have your back, Shaun."

"Thank you," I softly say. My voice breaks and Kitty gives me a tight hug. I try to find strength in her hold, but my heart still cries out to my girls. I give her a small smile and watch her leave the room.

Now, I'm left alone and I take out my phone from my pocket from a small buzz. I wish it could be Viv sending me a message, but it's only an email from my boss at the station.

Yet, this isn't what makes my tears fall out quietly. I run my thumb on the small notification saying that I have a missed call from Vivica.

She called for help and I never answered.....

She Was Like a Bright LightWhere stories live. Discover now