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Fury laughed loudly when he heard Vivica's idea during the leader's meet.

"Hide and seek?!" he said with a laugh. My blood boiled at the way he made fun of her but she did not flinch at all. She raised her chin higher and nodded. "Yes. Hide and seek."

Peter rolled his eyes at Fury and said, "First of all, sir, if you knew the person we're trying to encounter, you'd understand why this plan would work. She's not the type of people you used to kill for living."

Fury's eyes grew wide at Peter's comment. He scoffed at Shaw and Shaw just shrugged. He looked back at Peter and said, "Fine. Explain to all of us your plans. It better be worth my time. I was supposed to be on my way to the movies right now but because of you, I had to cancel my date."

I held in my laughter. I don't know what was weirder. The fact that he was going to go on a date or the fact that he chose the movies for a date as if he were a fifteen year old. Kitty and I exchanged looks and I smiled when I heard Viv quietly chuckle by my side.

But Peter wasn't part of the confusion as he firmly took out a map on the table and started explaining his plan to everyone. It was a good plan. Basically, Viv will be taken in from the witch agents and we will be able to follow Viv with the help of the invisible tracker. That's what the Lab calls it. Kitty and Sue are working on that. While Rihannon and the rest of the young students will work with Lena on creating some sort of uniform that will help us become invisible or at least confuse the White Queen.

While Viv talks with her mother and distracts her, we will conquer her land, her house, and defeat her once and for all. The Communications section will make sure to make it seem like we're still looking for Viv while we are outside. That's why we need to enter her territory as quietly as possible. They won't even know that we're on their doorstep.

As Peter described his ideas, I looked over at Viv and watched her eyes glow with determination. She took in every single detail with certainty and confidence. When she looked at me, she gave me a firm nod and I returned it with a smile. I want to let her know that I have faith in her. But from now on, I make plans of my own just in case something goes wrong. One thing is the solution to it: My life before hers.

Another plan I've been doing in my head is what to do with Hazel when she actually does find love. We've been training more often and I always find Hazel talking with that little boy, Simon. They even laugh together! She never laughed like that with anyone. She would do her little giggles with strangers, but those happy laughs were for me! I ended up getting a bruise on my cheek with my distractions as Sam punched me in the face at a duel. He laughed at me when I painfully grabbed my cheek, but my eyes went back to Hazel and Simon.

"Relax, man," Sam said to me. "She's only three. It's not like she's getting married."

"Married?! That will never happen," I responded back to him. But as I looked back at Hazel, my mind took me to a beautiful young woman with bright blue eyes and a gorgeous smile dressed in white. Shivers went down my spine and I pushed my worry aside before I got hit in the face again.

But luckily, we got that week off to train. Not that Viv has been training a lot lately. She was whispering things to Kitty and always stayed quiet when I would arrive. She told me one night that she was going to lay off a little on training. She didn't have to fight a lot now if she was just a distraction in the White Queen plans. I guessed it was probably because of her headaches and she just didn't want to seem weak in front of me.

Yesterday, we had a good day though. No headaches or pain. No tears or fears. Just Christmas joy. We decided to decorate our small place to the season and I bought a lot of little things to hang after work. I even bought a small Christmas tree so Hazel could decorate. At least it was her height so it was much easier for her to hang the decorations.

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