19 | Sea of stars

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- || Sea of stars ||-

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- || Sea of stars ||-

I was made and meant to look for you and wait for you and become yours forever. 

Beams of sunlight escaped the gaps of the royal curtains , filtered into the room and splashed across the carpeted floor , creating a pool of sunlight. Suthanu's eyes glowed in the soft beam as her lips turned into a wide smile. 

Pushing the curtains letting the rays dance in the chamber , she set her feet out of the chambers running past the corridors. 

The gates held a warm atmosphere for the welcome of the Panchala family. As Drupada set his feet down , he was taken into a warm hug by his grandsons. Smiling , he patted their cheeks affectionately before his eyes roamed else where. 

" Ahem " , Dristadyumna made his presence aware as Satanika smiled widely at his ever - favorite uncle. The prince's turned their attention to him , getting blessings. 

" Matamaha , how are you ? " , Prativindhya inquired. 

" I will say " , Dristadyumna interrupted as mischief danced across his eyes , " He had turned old ". 

" And who says that ? " , two voices echoed as Dristadyumna and Drupada's eyes turned to the sound. As the fire - born and descendant of fire - born made their way , it made a beautiful picture of the flames ready to take on the world. 

" My Pita is never old " , Draupadi huffed , placing her head on Drupada's shoulders. " My Matamaha as well " , Suthanu supported as Dristadyumna frowned. 

" This is cheating , both mother and daughter have made a team against me " , Dristadyumna played along as his heart found solace at the sight. 

" Krishnaa " , Drupada's soft tone made Draupadi look up. The father's hands moved to caress Draupadi's head as his eyes turned moist. Blinking back , he joined his hands together as Draupadi got them in mid stunned.

" What are you doing Pita ? " , Draupadi shook her head. 

" I am sorry Krishnaa to have not been their when I was needed the most " , Drupada grew emotional as he recalled the moment when the message of the event that had happened with his princess in Hastinapura came to Panchala. 

" Pita , your teachings where always with me. It was you who had taught me that to never give up my self - respect , to protect it and even give Agni - Pravesha if situation demands. My Swami's respect is my own , is it not pita ? " , Draupadi asked with a smile as Drupada nodded taking her into his embrace. His heart continuously thanking the gods above for such a blessing in the form of Draupadi. 

The Pandavas who had just arrived had listened to the words as their hearts fluttered with the eternal love that hadn't changed after years of ordeal. 

|| AgnijaaSuta : The Fire of Fire - Born || ✓Where stories live. Discover now