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"So here's what's going to happen." dad said as he pulled out a chair to sit across from me by the table. "Mum and I talked to doctor Oakwood."

Mum didn't look happy. She stood leaned against he kitchen counter, arms folded over her chest as she stared at the piece of parchment dad had just put down on the table.

"She has cleared you for school–"

Dad got interrupted when I shrieked loudly, clapping my hands in excitement. I couldn't explain how fucking happy that made me. Finally I could go back, be distracted and move on from this.

"But–" dad said loudly to get me to shut up. "You still need to follow the schedule. She's contacted the school and they will make sure that there's some special food for you where you usually sit and I've send Freddie a letter, explaining that he needs to look after you, make sure you eat it all, make sure you're not left to your own which is where Sammy comes in because he has the same classes as you. You can't play quidditch–"

"What?!" I exclaimed. "No.. quidditch is my life."

"I know." he breathed. "Trust me. When I got banned from quidditch in my last year, that was a nightmare too but you need to be focusing on your health. On getting better and quidditch is not only stressful, but it's dangerous. You can still watch it of course.. if Freddie or Roxanne sits with you."

I leaned back in my chair, watching the piece of parchment that had my meal plan on it along with some rules and methods if I feel like harming myself. What to do to distract myself.

"And you won't be alone." dad said. "If you need to talk to someone, you've got your siblings. If you need to talk to an adult, you've got your uncle Percy, uncle Sebastian, aunt Kathy and Deanne."

I nodded.

"I don't know about this." Mum said, causing both dad and I to look at her. "Are you sure this is what you want? To go back to school right now?"

"Yes." I nodded. "It's all I want."

"Okay." She breathed, pushing herself away from the counter. "I'll be taking a nap. I've had a long day at work."

Dad and I both watched as mum made her way into their bedroom, closing the door behind her. Then dad and I looked at each other.

"Alright, sweetheart." He said, standing up. "We'll continue this conversation in a moment. I'll just go check up on your mum."

George's P.O.V

"Darling?" I asked and closed the door behind me after entering the bedroom. Lizzie was standing with her back to me, arms folded over her chest as she stared out of the window. "I thought we agreed on this when we talked about it a few days ago. You agreed that it was best for Vivi to get back to school so she can get better faster."

"I know I did, George but—" she turned around and her eyes showed a mix between fright and sadness. "I went to see him today."


"Who do you think?" She sighed. "Lucas. Parkinson's son."

"What?" I frowned. "Why would you visit him?"

"I needed to talk to him." She explained. "He hurt our daughter. I needed him to know— to understand the damage he has done. He was real cocky, y'know. Just like his mother was when we knew her."

"Bloody hell, Lizzie." I sighed and ran both hands into my hair. "Why didn't you tell me you went to visit him? He manipulates people. What did he tell you? What did he do?"

She closed her eyes and then covered her face when she started crying. My face softened and I rushed over to wrap my arms tightly around her.

"He threatened to come after her when he's out." She cried into my chest. "And he— he told me he has friends at Hogwarts who will make her life a living hell. She doesn't need anything else to hurt her."

I buried my face in the crook of her neck, my arms sliding own to her lower back and I held her even tighter.

"He's just trying to scare us." I whispered. "Nothing bad is going to happen. We've got family on the inside to look out for her. We've got your brother Sebastian, right? We've got my brother Percy and then there's Deanne and Kathleen. Not only them, but Vivi will have four of her siblings with her either in class... at meals. She'll be okay."

"She'll be okay." Liz repeated and I hummed, placing a kiss on her neck. "Fine. But we gotta make sure she writes us at least every week so let us know how it's going."

"We will put that there with the rules." I told her before I pulled back to look at her. I cupped her face in my hands and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "This is what's best. Vivi was right. Here she will only be stuck with her thoughts. There's a little more action at Hogwarts and maybe that will help distract her."

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now