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You woke up, it was cold and dark. Your body shivered while you sat up, a sudden jolt going through your head, you winced attempting to put pressure on your temples. However your hands were stopped by the sudden jingle of chains. You snapped out of your daze, looking at your wrists you noticed cold metal cuffs. You also had cuff wrapped around your neck and hands.

Kinky, you thought trying to teleport away before things got serious but your headache just got worse the more you tried. Your eyes had yet to adjust to the surroundings but you assumed that the villains had actually managed to kidnap you.

"Well Shit, I cant believe that I overestimated the BrAiN pOwEr of Shigaraki and his little gang of villains." You were almost embarrassed.

You began standing up but you were immediately choked, "They gave me like, 69 centimeters of fucking chain here." you said while rubbing your neck. The cuffs were a bit too tight for comfort, but you doubt that was the first think of the villains minds.

You opened your stats, only being able to see a few things.

Name: L/n Y/n

Level: -69

Quirk: Gamer

Strength: -69

Durability: 1

Agility: 0


Intelligence: 96

Mp: -20000

Luck: 44


Seduction: Lvl 6


"Sooo Seductive"

"SEDUCTION!? THE ONLY FUCKING SKILL I HAVE IS SEDUCTION, WHAT THE FUCK IS SEDUCTION GOING TO DO." your headache got worse, this is definitely a problem.

You looked over at the lock on your cuffs. What is something you could do to open it, you eyed your seduction skill. oH, its obvious. . . Ill just seduce it. You had brain damage to be honest, there is no way that you could seduce a inanimate object and get it to open. You layed down onto the cold surface. "Guess ill never know unless I try." you brought your right hand up to your face and stared at the lock.

Activating your seduction, the lock clicked, "Hold on a GOD DaMn SeCoNd" Your excitement was paused as the heavy duty metal fell off of your hand and onto your face.

"FUCK." You through the cuff at the wall, it fell to the ground with a loud clang, you flinched at the sudden loud noise. "IT HURT...BUT IT FUCKING WORKED." You whispered, taking all of the other cuffs off. You had only your neck cuff remaining when you realized that your seduction quirk only seduced things when you were staring at it.

"Well fucking chicken strips. " you sighed through gritted teeth.

You sat back in defeat, the chain around your neck not budging one bit, not matter how hard you pulled. To be fair though, your strength was at -69. UGghh this was shitty.

It was a few hours later that you finally heard footsteps coming your way, you smiled. Perfect. A figure appeared in front of your cell and you paused as you noticed that it was Shigaraki.

You had originally planned to seduce the next person to get them to take you out of the cell but you weren't really into incest.

"Hey Big Bro, Took ya long enough. I almost escaped." You held up your wrists. Of course it was all a fib.

Shigaraki didn't show any surprise as he unlocked the cell and walked towards you. You flinched when he touched your cheek, and then brought his hand down to the chains and pulled. They fell back from the wall so where it now seemed like a leash. You were yeeted up towards his face and he held you there, a evil smile was now shown.

You wanted to roll into a ball and hide, a cold shill going through your body. Your knees felt like collapsing at any second, but you held your ground, staring into his dull eyes.

"Seems like you've been doing well, [Y/N]."

"Never been better." You replied sarcastically.

He hissed and pulled the chain even more, it pinched your skin and choked you slightly. You winced, but tried to not let the pain show.

Too Kinky Too Fucking kinky. Your mind kept replaying that sentence over and over again.

"lets go, Grandfather wants to see you." Shigaraki said, releasing the chain a little bit before pulling me along side him.

Your face paled, "Grandfather?" You thought that he was captured by the Heros? How was he here?

You walked into an open space, letting your eyes adjust to the sudden bright lights, you were met with your grandfather and most of his lackeys. You needed to get out of here.

You noticed that familiar blue hair and scars in the back of the room, you smirked. You activated your seduction quirk, sending hidden messages. Commanding him to fight and set you free. Dabi moved slightly, igniting a flame in his hand.

You were about to finished the command but a blind fold was placed over your eyes, you began to speak but then you realized you couldn't. You were powerless.

I did a cliffhanger, Im sorry! Not.

Anyway what did you guys think of the chapter? Confusing? I get that a lot. Im working on the next chapter as we speak! Join my discord so that we can simp together.

See ya Later peasants!

Sooo Seductive {BakugoxReader} DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now