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I walked down the cold wooden stairs of the house Ricky, Jc, Jenn and I shared.

Ricky was downstairs making some food. I smiled to myself. Ricky was everything I dreamed of.

We were friends ever since we were kids. I know a bit cheesy but thats how it was. Oh, my how I loved him though. Like he noticed. It's like he just walked around blind to me.

I stop at the edge of the last stair and listen to Ricky hum along to flipping pancakes. You never know how much you love someone until you really, really know them. I don't know why but for some reason at this moment I was truley in love.

I sneak behind Ricky and scare him. He didn't even flintch. He turns around looks at me for a little bit then picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

I start to laugh and say, "Ricky put me down!"

He laughs and says, "If thats what you want!"

He throws me on the couch and he starts to laugh. He runs back to the kitchen and says, "Isla you almost made me burn the fricken pancakes!"

"That's what you get!"

He shakes his head as I make my way to the coffie machine. He starts to hum again and I start to hum along with him. He starts to smirk and I giggle.

He looks at me as he flips the final pancake and says, "We are so weird."

After he says that Jenn and Jc walk down the stairs. I do a little whistle and Jc says in a groggy tone, "Shut up Isla."

Jenn walks down and grabs a pancake and starts to add surup. I pour some coffie into mugs and haand one to Jenn.

I sit by Jenn and start to fix my plate of pancakes and Jenn says, "Isla why do you refuse to be in a video with any of us?"

I shake my head not wanting to say I really hated the way I looked.

Jc sits down next to Jenn kisses her fourhead and says, "She just doesn't want to leave he alone."

Ricky chimes in with, "I was going to film a girlfriend tag today and scince I'm single and your my true BFFL I was going to ask you to do it with me Isla..."

I almost choke on the pancake I'm eating and Jenn tries to conciel her laughter. She's the only one that knows I've liked him scince childhood.

Ricky gives us all a confused look as he sits down to eat. "Whats so funny?? Isla can't be my fake girlfriend for a video? I mean I think we could pull it off!" he says as he kissis me head.

I feel a blush creaping up my face. Ricky did this to me a lot becaise I was exceptionaly shorter than him but this time, I couldn't help but blush.

I finnish up my pancakes as I losten to Ricky and Jc go on and on anout ideas for filming. When me and Jenn finsish we go up to my bedroom and as I shut the door she burst out laughing.

"How are yu two still not together?"

I sigh and whisper, "That's my question..."

"Awwww." Jenn says sadly and comes to give me a hug.

Right now was one of those days I did not want simpathy.

We pick ut our outfits and go downstairs to see what the boys' plans were for the day.

I see a girl sitting down on the couch and talking to Ricky.

It was Lia. Oh how that girl makes my blood boil.

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