Chapter 29: One week with Sarawat🔞

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Tine's POV

I decided to drive down to Sarawat's house. Mil had somehow become more understanding in the past few weeks. He didn't push for a security detail to follow me and he didn't stop me from leaving. All he asked was for me to get back home before morning 6 am— which sounded pretty reasonable to me.

When I reached Sarawat's house, the guards opened up the gates for me and nobody questioned me or asked why I was there. Obviously, their boss had already given them all the instructions. As I opened the house door, I saw the painting of Sarawat's mother again, which looked so much more heart wrenching now that I knew how much her sons and husband had struggled after her death.

I sat down on the sofa, and picked up the book on the table that I had seen last night — Song of Achilles. It was heavily annoted and it seemed like Sarawat was about to finish the book. Only the last few chapters weren't annoted or marked in any way. I sat down to read some of his notes, when my phone buzzed — It was the house owner.

"Hey! Did you already reach home?"

"Yes, I did. I am sitting here in your living room, on your sofa, feeling very, very lonely."

"Fuck. I am so sorry Tine, but it might take me an hour more to get free. Grandfather has called me for a sudden meeting. I am really, really sorry--"

"You don't have to apologise Sarawat. It's okay. I kind of invited myself to your house so I can't really blame you for getting late" I laughed. "But just know, the longer it takes for you to come back, the more time I have to scan through deepest parts of your house and find out all your secrets."

I could hear Sarawat laughing on the phone. "Look through my entire house all you want. Let me know if you find something interesting. There is also beer and some food in the fridge in case you get hungry. I'll try to come back as soon as I can."

"Take your time. Don't worry. Bye"

I put down the phone and got up to explore Sarawat's house — He did just give me permission; I wasn't going to miss out on this great opportunity. I went inside a room, what I assumed would be his study, but it actually turned out to be a room? There were guitars, posters of some bands that were popular among young people, and a huge stack of Vinyl records.

Ofcourse I knew Sarawat was in the music club in school and that he played guitar. He mentioned that in his Vogue interview. But I had no idea he was so into music that he kept all this stuff in his house. Mental note #1: Beg Sarawat to play this guitar.

Going into his bedroom, the first thing I realised was that his bed was definitely not made of gold. It was in fact, pretty comfortable like Sarawat told me.

That's when I noticed the picture frame on his bedside table. It was a picture of Sarawat in his school uniform — The school that we both went to. It seemed like a selfie. He was standing in the school corridors and there were a few people behind him.

"Weird choice of photo to keep near the bed."

It was weird because while Sarawat had a lot of pictures in his house, he didn't have any other photo of just him alone. All of the pictures were of his family or him standing with his family. Why would you keep your own photo near the bed? Such a vain stupid man.

I put the photo back on the table, lied down in bed, and closed my eyes thinking about how cute Sarawat looked as a teenager when I remembered the people in the background.

Suddenly, I got up, realising I had missed something. I picked up the photo again and looked at it carefully. The people in the background: their faces were a bit blurred and they were all wearing the same uniform, but I could recognize their backpacks anywhere — It was me, Pear, and Fong.

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